Dustin I would take Lacrosse off your list because the greatest player in the history of lacrosse is Jim Brown, one of the blackest men to ever to walk the face of the earth.
Dustin I would take Lacrosse off your list because the greatest player in the history of lacrosse is Jim Brown, one of the blackest men to ever to walk the face of the earth.
I always worried my life was like a Tyler Perry movie, now I know.
My biggest mistake was jokingly telling my boy that this other boy was totally his type, which he was. At the time, though, the other boy was dating a woman so I felt confident he wouldn't try to jump off. I was totally wrong, the other boy was totally up for it. I learned my lesson. On the plus side, my boy felt so…
Second sidebar: Upon further research, it appears the music video Waterfall came out in 1995. I would also like to experience that again for the first time. That is all.
Yeah you're right, obviously the mid-90s kind of all blended together for me, I just assumed that Tupac died in '96 so All Eyez on Me was from 1995.
Oh Right, that's the album I was thinking of, I loved Rid of Me and I loved To Bring you my love. I stand corrected, but the sentence remains the same, To Bring You My Love is one of my favorite albums of all time.
Sometimes I wonder if you lived through the same 1995 as I did….