
Masters of Sex wasn't on for too long. It only got 4 seasons, and was actually on an upswing when it got canceled. Like the Affair, it had a horrible season 3 where it totally fell apart. Season 4 of Masters of Sex was a lot better, but the damage was already done and Showtime decided to cancel it since too many

I also would have rather have seen Luisa's or Whitney's pov, and agree about Juliette's being totally unnecessary.

I would have chosen Whitney's or Luisa's povs over the Professor. Even Oscar's pov would have been more interesting than the Professor's. I don't understand why they thought it was necessary to give so much screen time to a character that we don't know or care about.


It upset me how underused Joshua Jackson was this season. He does not get enough credit for how good his performances can be. I thought the 5th pov was totally unnecessary and dislike how it took away from his screen time.

Actually the show was split between Noah's and Alison's perspectives during the 1st season, so I never thought that Noah was supposed to be the sole focus, otherwise why did they choose to include Alison's pov. In the 2nd season, they wanted to make it even more of an ensemble show by including Helen's and Cole's povs

Yes, to the need for much more Cole. Joshua Jackson is the most underused of them all. He puts in a great performance whenever he is shown, and it was disappointing that he was only in like half of the episodes this season because they focused too much on Noah going crazy (I could tell that Noah stabbed himself way

Whitney really hates her father, so I think that is why she didn't come to see him. I also think she didn't visit him in jail, only Helen did. Her hatred for her father would be part of her motive for sure if she is the killer.

It is Cole's child too, so it is not like Alison dumped a child on them that wasn't related to either of them. Alison has her problems and is not without fault, and I do realize that Cole did not know the child was his so it was a huge surprise. But if Alison felt as if she couldn't raise the child herself at the time

Helen hasn't cheated, but she killed a man and hasn't seemed to feel much remorse over it. I realize it was accidental, but she did not take responsibility for her actions, and let Noah take the fall for her. I think being a killer is much worse than being a cheater. Also, the foundation of this show has been

It wasn't revealed yet who stabbed him. It was revealed that Cole doesn't have an alibi for that night to put suspicion on him. I don't think Cole did it though. Whitney would be a good twist, especially since she thinks her Dad killed her ex-boyfriend, so she would have motive.


I used to volunteer at In Other Words. No one makes a living at that bookstore. It is ran by volunteers. They used to have actual staff that got paid, but couldn't afford to pay them anymore and got rid of them.

If their response had been that polite, they probably wouldn't be getting all of this media attention. I live in Portland and am familiar with this business, I even used to volunteer there, back when they were happy to be affiliated with the show. Their business is in trouble, it has been for years, and trying to get

It sounds to me as if you haven't seen this gentrification first hand. Yes, gentrification was happening before Portlandia, but since the show started airing 5 years ago there has been a huge increase in rents and a lot of long time Portland institutions have been forced out of business because of these increases. The

I get what you are saying, but it is possible to accidentally buy spoiled milk. It has happened to me before where I had to throw out a new carton of milk I had just bought because it was spoiled. I am pretty sure I am not a zombie, so in my case the sell by dates must have been wrong. I thought about how I had bought

Cool, thanks for the info!

I wouldn't know off the top of my head, but she only appears in Season 1 of the show, so if you get that on DVD you can scan through the episodes for the nude parts with McIver.

I totally agree.

Are you assuming that or has it been confirmed?