
It sounded like she swore to me as well. How did they get away with that?

I felt the same way about it. While watching it, I thought it was just alright. I wasn't really digging the stripper storyline so that could be why. The last 5-10 mins of the show redeemed it for me though and I loved the ending. Can't wait to see what happens next week!

Do you mean that Enrico Colantoni is coming back again? He was already on an episode of iZombie that aired in Feb.

He'll always be Cliffy to me as well. I miss his banter with Veronica when I see him on iZombie. Johnny Frost hasn't won me over in the same way Cliff did.

I didn't catch the milk thing either. How does milk tasting sour signify that someone is a zombie? I know zombies have trouble tasting things, hence why they use so much hot sauce, but I do not understand why people think the milk tasting off to him made it obvious he was becoming a zombie. if they showed Major

I'm guessing you haven't watched Masters of Sex then. I saw that show before iZombie, so I saw Rose McIver playing a human before she was a zombie, and seeing her looking human on iZombie didn't weird me out because of that. She also does some nude scenes in Masters of Sex, which may interest the people here that have

No mention either so far of how much Liv was like Veronica Mars when she went undercover, but maybe that is a given, since this is a Rob Thomas show.

I used to despise Blaine but he has slowly but surely wormed his way into my heart this season. Rob Thomas is so good at making us feel sympathy for people who used to be irredeemable. The fact that Blaine's a Duranie also makes him alright in my book. One of my favorite scenes was when he was on the bus looking

I wanted Liv to walk outside and see Major putting Drake in his trunk and was totally disappointed when that didn't happen. I feel as if they have dragged out Major's secret from her for long enough.

I actually liked how the show started, and didn't mind that they rushed through the holidays into the new year. I think it is good to mix things up and it was interesting to briefly see things from outside of Liv's point of view, including what she looks like to others when she is having a vision. I was also fine with

I wouldn't be surprised if Dale winds up dead. She is treading in very dangerous waters by going after Blaine. She is a recurring character and we know Rob Thomas has no problem with killing them off because of Lowell's death. It is highly doubtful that Clive will be killed since he is a main character, but if Dale

It sucks, and I miss the show a lot when it is not on, but they are only filming 19 episodes this season (unless they are able to add more) and they need to stretch it out. They already aired more than half the season and it is only January. Unless they plan on having the season end in March, there are probably going

This season is going to have 6 more episodes than last season, it was confirmed that they would be filming 19, so it is not a shortened season. I wouldn't know for certain if the number of episodes has to do with plots being rushed this season, but since they have more episodes to work with, I would think they

I think a lot of people in the iZombie community were Veronica Mars fans first, and people will reference Veronica Mars in this forum. I am not sure how many of them are also Party Down fans. I enjoy that show too. I know there are some iZombie fans that have never seen Veronica Mars, but for me, it was because of my

I seem to be in the minority here but I didn't love this episode and that disappointed me since I have been a big fan of this season. I gave it a B (since even my least favorite episodes of iZombie are still better than most other things on TV), and have rated a lot of episodes leading up to it A or A- since I really

I remember Lowell saying something about not having visions as often as Liv does because he isn't actively seeking them out. Liv is trying to have visions and connects herself with the person whose brain it was in order to do that, where as these other zombies wouldn't have a reason to do that.

I have lived in Portland. OR for nearly a decade and have never heard about this regional Tacoma hatred you speak of. Making fun of people who live in Vancouver, WA for being white trash, on the other hand, is something I have heard plenty of.

I love iZombie, but Buffy will always be the best show of this genre to me, and Liv is a descendant of Buffy. Buffy was the first sassy blonde on TV with great one liners and supernatural powers who fought monsters. Yeah, she sometimes wore leather pants and she hooked up with vampires, one of which had been her

That would be an interesting twist!

I was rooting for it too!