Scott Beowulf

Also, how many of these couples are STILL going to be couples in the future? Out of 2000 people they managed to find people who are going to love each other forever and ever and divorce will be completely unheard of? You can't tell me that 10 years after they land there's not going a good sized number of people who

Also, John Denver is still a readily recognizable cultural touchstone about a century in the future?

I like my James Francos FLAMING!

Roger's Not Forever

She bears an amazing resemblance to Liz Shaw from Jon Pertwee era Doctor Who.


My question is: I have Showtime through Hulu, will the episodes be available for streaming after they air? I have to work the next two Sunday nights at least and will be hella pissed if I'm not able to watch them.

A gay version of Green Acres would be hella funny!

Based on the British sitcom From Top To Bottom!

Thing is, I find shows like this way more depressing than any of the dark or gritty stuff.

In the years since the original, the Asians have become allies!

Could this show BE anymore cancelled?

Perhaps. Perhaps.

The robot was the rapey one.

That's The Splooge.

He's not just an actor-he really believes these things he's saying!


It's not even an ethos…

A midnight toker?

"Coming up after the weather, the latest episode of Retired Obama!"
(White guy does offensive Obama impersonation about shopping at Walmart)