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    Have you seen Norma/Peggy Lipton?
    She's 70.

    I see young Christopher Walken, circa Annie Hall.

    Time passes slowly up here in the mountains
    We sit beside bridges and walk beside fountains
    Catch the wild fishes that float through the stream
    Time passes slowly when you're lost in a dream
    – Bob Dylan

    It may not be the writer or director's fault if someone can't concentrate or watches a show with an iPad nearby.

    And they'll be sitting in a booth in a diner…. and a guy with a Members Only jacket walks in……

    Great episode.

    I had the Vedder reaction also.

    Actually saw that one at a drive-in.
    It's funny that Tamblyn and Ben Horne/Richard Beymer were in West Side Story together. Tamblyn was leader of one gang…. the Jets, i think.

    Did not know that about Lynch but yeah, that's a great scene from Lolita.
    That movie has lots of them.

    Good to see The Righteous Defender of Women is here to protect us from the evils of a tv show he doesn't like.
    Don't you have a pool to clean, Gene?

    The woman who played the guy behind the dumpster in Mulholland Dr. is quite stunning.

    Sledge Hammer is great.
    Like an early version of Angie Tribeca.

    Are their high horses the white of the eyes?

    Would Paul join Badfinger when they play his song "Come and Get It"?

    There's a movie where someone spends half the film topless?
    Do tell more!

    Super-glad you aren't depriving us of your opinion and expert analysis of a show you don't like!!!
    Please come back after next episode!!!

    Are we talking about the same episode 8?

    "Lynch's reputation"…… which took on this new dimension when the young social righteous ones decided a male being attracted to a female is perverse and misogynistic.
    Glad I grew up at a time when you could enjoy life and a tv show.

    By "better than this," do you mean Chrysta Ball as agent Tammy?
    Man, I think she's fascinating. I don't know what's going on with her but it's interesting.
    Then again, I'm an old guy like Lynch.
    And yes, being attracted to a person makes you a perv.

    Maybe I'm just slow like Dougie, but the Jones scenes have been some of my favorites. The Vegas scenes have all been interesting and helped to forward whatever the narrative is.
    Plus, you've just got to root for old Coop to come through. And I wish I'd had a wife like Janey-E.