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    I wouldn't mind looking like Michael Horse at this age.

    I just re-watched it the other day after hearing someone say how bad it was.
    Part of the story was a little tedious (I never found the Civil War thing with the Horne brothers all that amusing), but I couldn't see where the director was making things worse.

    "Need" an answer? Or "want" an answer?

    Tell it to the talking tree.
    Art is not about diversity.
    Read the US Census if you want diversity based in reality.

    I watched 36 minutes of Queen Sugar.
    Not one damned white person!!!
    Isn't this show set in America in 2017???

    Lynch is supposed to be making movies about the concerns of minorities?
    Jay Z has a few billion.
    Maybe he could address the concerns of minorities.
    Maybe he could fund a studio that makes diverse movies about the concerns of minorities.
    And that damn Picasso…. never did a good portrait of a black person. Shame on him.

    I don't get angry.
    I find it amusing.
    Can't wait for the quotas.
    And just how many white people is appropriate for a northwestern town? Should there be more {fill in the blank]s? And what's with that Native American? This show is so pro-Native American. Note that the only Native American character is a sheriff's deputy!

    Damn, that's some good work.
    The Platters' record label was Federal Records.

    Ibuprofen has been linked to greater risk of having a heart attack.

    The actor who plays Nacho's dad was also really good in a small role in this week's Twin Peaks (the other greatest show on tv right now).

    Seems to me that Dale Cooper is the "emotional center."

    And "poignant" is just the right word.

    Man, what an eye.
    [loved the coffee/green tea latte scene in Twin Peaks.]

    A movie is not about the message an actor wants to send, unless the actor is writing and directing the movie.
    Also, we all have to work for someone else.

    The man is Medicare age!

    Yeah, I was wondering about the assassins.
    I haven't seen a recap that mentioned them yet.
    Is it the debt his wife (Ms Mulholland Dr) refers to?
    And how did Dale/Dougie know to duck down when he was in the car with Jade?

    Bjork…. great suggestion.
    And you're right: she was outstanding in Dancer in the Dark.

    When I read Vedder was in the show, I figured he'd be playing a character. I saw an interview once where he talked about being in the drama club in high school.

    Yep. She's a real sweetheart and one of my favorite minor characters.

    Well said.
    Wasn't there a tv show "about nothing" back in the 90s?