Shane Michaels

Puny Guards, he said.
I mean, I am Groot.

I hope you feel good about yourself, A.V. Club, enabling the internet's scathing addiction to nonsense. Now I have to see this!

Um, those are media lies. Wake up Sheeple.

Not even a little bit. Plenty of beer though.

But will they boo her for being too white? These are the questions, that shouldn't be asked.

How dare you say that about the Beatles! They were the greatest!

OH, my God, it's him. He's real. It's that guy. He's here. Archmage. Wot?
*Uses science to kill the magic peoples*

Did you know that the great wall of China wasn't that great?
Just step over it man. This wall sucks. I've seen better… in America. Oops, that's wrong.

"I'll taze ya bro! Taze ya real good! Take no prisonors!"

Too bad Tom Sneddon just died. We could use him for something.

I don't even am single eyebrows have! Cheese!

I only got that stupid reference cause I just played Battlefront 2. Got it for 3 dollars. You can be jealous if you'd prefer, I'd appreciate it. But yeah, this is mandatory viewing.

Well, not even Prince thinks he's an infallible demi-god. He just doesn't care about any of it. I wouldn't say they're fanatical, but yeah, fan sites aren't, the most, credible sources. And it's true, they're are many reasons given as to why this isn't here to read. Yeah, I guess he didn't have an addiction, but who

Funny you said that about Sonic Colors; I just so happened to find this article about it.
This game sucks, also. Generations forever!

Maybe…. it is….. And I don't know… the same reason the whole universe isn't made out of anti-lightsaber stuff, including Jedi's themselves. There is a divide between logic and Star Wars.

From Wikipedia:

Not really rock, but Prince and the Black Album…
And also Michael Jackson did HIStory after drugs, and Blood on the Dance Floor… Morphineeeee..

Has no one considered that his hands might be lightsaber resistant? It's a possibility…

You have a a valid point, and for that, you will be ignored.

Pssh. I don't need an excuse. Or permission. AND I DONT NEED TO REPLY ON TIME. ITS THANKSGIVING EVERY DAY.