
Rory is so blatantly terrible that I wonder whether that is supposed to be the point. I don't know why it would be the point, but it must be the point….Because the Palladino's CAN'T think that they are showing a wonderful and mature Rory, can they?

The wider You. And I have no dog in the fight.

If you're one of them, you're dumb. And those dumb people are about to misunderstand just how fucking stupid they remain.

Well…To be fair. I thought he waz ded.

And, so I shake my head again. Why make a film that changes the story to something that is unrecognizable and then call it the name of a film that a generation that you deem not a viable cash base would recognize? Are there 20 year olds clamouring for this? Why not just make a film that you want to make? Are you

I also have no idea who John Cena is. And I do all that shit. Looks like a wrestler. Is he a wrestler? Was on a reality show? Does he do taxes?

What's Casey Affleck pushing? That movie's been out for a while.

Only if we trade it with amAHzing

I think it looked great and was lit well and had good acting…for acting that caters to a culture different from mine. Did some great camera work, too. And the zombies had to have gone through a school or something.

Korean Gangster Guy is the big guy? I didn't get gangster from him. But I got Tough as Shit from him, for sure.

They'lll never make that. Also, those Marvel Zombies aren't zombies.

That was pretty clever, actually.

IZombie is a terrible show. If you like that…. You probably won't like Train to Busan.

I disagree. I've been in the movie industry for 25 years. I think the movie holds to it's premise and it's various set pieces are pretty good examples of the genre. I think it's couple of reveals are nicely understated and I think it only sells one character short. I wonder if that character got left on the

I just watched Train to Busan on this recommendation. It was terrific. I am a lifelong zombie fan, but have had full fatigue on the genre. This movie was still quite a journey. The train conceit was very clever. The leads were engaging, and there were small stories to be told here. We even get a version of Mr.

April is about Vesuvius compared to a child's volcano science project in annoying when it comes to those two…and i think one of THOSE two is pretty fucking annoying.

Sez who? I think you're not watching his show right.

That guy is hilarious as Google in those Funny or Die bits.

Jess made it impossible for Luke to help him. I think Luke made a damned valiant effort to be a safe haven for Jess. He got kicked in the teeth for it repeatedly. He really got nothing from Jess.

Jess was a self involved asshole through pretty much his whole run on the show. He was a pouty dink. He comes back at the end, and has turned it around, but he was never a good guy before that. That Rory is terrible(she really really is) doesn't mean that Jess can't be terrible too. And he was an insufferable