
He's a fucktard, agreed. How the fuck does "white privilege" come into it?

I wasn't here in 85, but if it was a time when you could walk out of a joint you were working, look down the street, and see three separate people shooting up independently, then yes, it may be like that. If there is a joke meant by the italics, it flew past me. Are you guessing at the show I'm on?

In a funny coincidence i am currently working on a TV show in Bauhaus. It is smack in the middle of Vancouver's skid row and it is not hyperbolic to say that from where I stand I can see three separate people shooting up . Nice enough looking restaurant, though

The books character is very similar to the show character . He secretly imprisons a character for years, for instance. The moments when he doesn't act are often the ones where he causes needless deaths. Like the show, he is SEEN as a hero. But mostly they are saving themselves while he fumbles. Rick's greatest

Well done. I didn't feel like finding the accent

You're talking like an idiot. This Misogny shit is like e Red menace of the 50s. Jane Foster can wield the hammer all she fucking wants. If she is worthy, and THOR isn't, fine. But Jane Foster ISN'T Thor. who is a man who was born of a mother and father. She can be Mjolnir's owner, she can be the Thunder

You looked up No Prize. Don't lie.

Okay. That would be worth it.

I thought EXACTLY the same thing. I was convinced, right up until the end, that she shot her stuff somewhere else.

This show has come to the point(and well before this) where it's not actually very funny, but you feel sort of okay about hanging out with these characters for a little while. This was really just a dull dumb episode. It was surprisingly buoyed by Cece's outfit for half the episode. She's never worn anything like

I like it BECAUSE there's just a little Doctor in it. There is a weird world going on just out of the corner of our eye. There is a hero who is making sure it stays away. We meet the weird world first. Then we get to meet the Doctor. I think that's a good way to meet a hero. Oh, I'm the same guy as above…But,

about 6 bucks down at the laundromat.

Well said. Luke had pretty much ALWAYS loved her. He found her love and realized that he had to spill everything he had in him to keep it(he thought). That was a long time coming, I agree. A very good scene.

It's such a rich close out to Emily's story( in my mind, anyway) that I doubt there are any more GGs in the pipe.

Yeah. Rory gets her GoTo and Lorelei gets her employee. Makes sense.

Canada checking in. I'm not a woman, but I was unaware that Wild was a big thing either. Never heard a woman mention it. Never saw a well thumbed copy in the laundromat, never knew anyone who's seen the movie. I guess it's an American thing. But you can read past that and just apply the Camino del Santiago

What's so surprising about douchey rich kids drinking and driving?

That's a good point. Perhaps she's just as entitled and uncaring about the union as he is.

I agree. I thought there would have been a winning moment there. She doesn't do the fucking poem that everybody goes on about ad nauseum. I was SURE that they'd read something she wrote instead and be impressed with it. Something she did, onscreen, that was impressive and worth something. Instead, it's the

Is it not a thing that Emily, when given her head, decides to follow the same path that Lorelei has? She's surrounded herself with loving kooks she doesn't really understand but embraces and is living a simple life where sitting in comfy clothes and contentedly taking in the simplicity of it all is a real pastime.