
The guy who did it before was still there. She handed him the harpoon. And he was lousy while she was crushing it.(Suck it up kids, ya little snivellers)

It's vintage Rory. She can squeeze out a story once every five years and everything else is given to her by a huge safety net of people who rescue her from anything even mildly troubling.

Man, the show needs The Song. This silent opening blows.

Allow me to try to head off all the various meal jokes headed your way…..

There's no way Pablo is gone for good. He's the heart of the show.

He's out of his element

Yeah….that's it for me. I absolutely know that they get out of this, I read the comics…But this is 3 out of 4 episodes where there is no joy or hope involved in the show. That was just like scourging myself for 58 minutes….Blecch.

I see what you did there.

Man I was really hoping this was gonna be a remake of A Clockwork Orange with chicks. The comments that would have generated.

Oh, I don't disagree. I'm just saying that they purposely put any of those bigger thoughts out of their head and stuck with "Huh Huh. He's yelling at Hillary. Huh Huh. He grabs pussies."

"The Trumps" are disenfranchised regular folk who got tired of not understanding what was going on and feeling stupid about it. They chose a man who seems to put everything in a way they can understand. I refuse to believe half your country is a bunch of bigoted fear-mongering misogynist wanna be fascists. I gotta

The last of the Magnificent Seven. No enemies left….alive. Goodbye, sir.

You misunderstand me. I KNOW Leonard Cohen was an awesome artist. I also know there are lots of other great Canadian artists as well. Bieber, that punk, is not among them, but there are lots of good ones.

I don't know that I can side with you there. Though there are many Canadian acts who have gained fame that I find to be complete shit. Plenty that are really good. But yes, he deserves his accolades, and always will.

No lie. 2016 will go down in the annnals as one dark dark year.

I love Leonard Cohen. I have been listening to his last album recently. It is pretty much all about how he was ready to go. Cohen is an amazing storyteller and a great Canadian. His loss is deeply felt. He is ready, My Lord

I saw Nelson, drunk and dishevelled, trying to pick up waitresses at a Vancouver Hooters, one time. It was pretty pathetic.
(yes, I was in the same Hooters. Pretty lame joint, really)

Karl is not the thug you're thinking of.

I agree that it makes itself seem stupid. But it's actually an interesting idea….

The Birds is a good choice for a "horror movie" that isn't scary. It's nature acting out against humanity…and isn't that the same as The Happening?