

Uh, you like the shrimp?

Jesus Christ, if I had a book coming out, I would tell my agent to not let AV Club review it so that it doesn't get spoiled and all the fun of it given away in advance by some long winded reviewer trying to assure us he "gets" Norm. I finished Based On A True Story a few weeks ago, I loved it, I'm a fan of most

When I would watch Adult Swim shows with my buddies in college, the vast majority of us watching Home Movies or ATHF or Sealab, etc. were guys. Our circle was about evenly split between males and females, but if/when we got baked, most of the people who chose to then watch Adult Swim were guys.

Stopped reading this review at "His “exchange” with Hendrix starts the book, with the former, a white
man, writing what he believes a black man would sound like."

Heat is better analyzed as Michael Mann's third try, after both LA Takedown and Thief. LA Takedown is the first filmed version of Heat, but so much of what makes Heat great is found in Thief.

It isn't nice to speak ill of the dead.


I liked this movie the first time I saw it…when it was starring Denzel Washington.

Did The Forgetabuddies break up over creative differences, or because, despite his polite requests that you refrain from doing so, you kept fucking Jon Benjamin's wife?

I watched a video on YouTube where he kinda sorta described Chasing Amy as his peak and beginning of his downward trajectory. I agree with him; I thought that before he ever expressed that sentiment. It's pretty obvious. It shows he lacks formal film making education, and people can defend him and say he's a great

Why Kevin Smith has so many fans completely escapes me. I left after watching Clerks 2. This movie probably sucks because he spends so much time getting baked and reviewing comic book movie trailers.


SPOILER SPACE! Where is it?!?!?!

All praise and honor be unto Harambe.

Yeah, duh. Because that's boring. What's exciting about "So, you're an orthodontist? Huh."

As goes Ohio, so goes the nation.

You're right, obviously some were. But not the guys Cuba was playing cards with. We also have to remember: this is a comedy, and in both comedies and horror flicks, if the characters were reasonable, rational and restrained, there'd be no reason to watch the movie. Something ridiculous has to occur to drive the plots,

One of the reasons George W. Bush won reelection in 2004 was because gay marriage was becoming more and more mainstream and many voters thought if John Kerry was elected there would just be so much gay marriage that the American way of life would come to a grinding halt. Obviously, two gays getting married doesn't

Well, it's not like DC developed Harley's character. What is it supposed to do, rewrite Harley, or give her an ending that doesn't involve love/abuse from the Joker? It's the whole fucking point of the character, she's not a "feminist" the way Catwoman or Poison Ivy might be, she's crazy and a captive to the Joker.