
I didn't even realize he had another album out already. Some BSS fan I am.

LOL @ "Gentleman's F"!

And reviewing it just gives it free publicity. Some people who watch "so bad it's good" shit might watch it now. Reviewing the movie just to give it an F will do more to benefit the film maker than not.

I'm surprised AV Club even bothers to review this movie. AV Club is a bunch of Lefties, giving it an F is just confirmation bias. Seems like a waste of time.

Will Norton rewrite the lyrics to the songs, or is that available only with a larger donation?

This season was not so good, but Jesus Christ, Rabin stop clutching your pearls and fanning yourself so much.

I had this CD and it was quite dope. Did I say that right? "Dope?"

Or raping a refrigerator.

I don't watch anything Christopher Meloni is in unless he's investigating rapes, or raping somebody in a prison.

"The fact that many Civil War conflicts continued to fester and flare up in this country for the next century and a half…"

It's a good thing the protagonist wasn't just going to nursing school, because then she'd only be able to assist in using her earrings as sutures.

I got choked up during one of them when the interviewer asked what he thought of the legacy of his music and Zappa answered "It doesn't matter."

I would definitely watch this, but I hope there aren't any videos from when he was dying of cancer; they are so depressing.

Hey, way to aid and abet immorality on a massive scale. Bravo.

Yeah, and the next thing you know the Westboro Baptist church is on your front lawn, and it's a whole big to do.

OK, but they should not be allowed to adopt a bunny.


This review led me to orgasm.

No, it's not OK, the next thing you know dogs and cats will be living together in sin. Is that the sort of America you want to live in!?!?!

I believe in quality control. Maybe it's me, I'm a little fucked up maybe…