
"[Due to scheduling complexities, Ruth Negga’s 11 Questions won’t run until June 27. —ed.]"

If it had made it to 2003, it would have been stuck between Iraq and a hard place.

All of the "quotations" in "this article" make for "very" distracting "read"ing.

He's also been doing cock pushups to train for the return of "OZ."

It was definitely much better when it was just the case of the week format. it's a good example of why British series are often better than American ones, in that they are shorter. 8 years or more of a series and you wind up with something very different than what started.

It's a great story about love and sacrifice.

A movie where the plot revolves around a mutant cure could convey all those themes, and a separate movie about Phoenix and Jean Grey could also convey all those themes. Put together, the movie is not greater than the sum of its parts, but less because very little is examined in depth.

Last Stand should have just been about the mutant cure. The Phoenix/Dark Phoenix storyline should have been its own movie, maybe even two.

What you are complaining about is an an accurate reflection of how they did the storyline in the comics. It's an abberation, and just as much is explained in the movie as is the comic.

Oof, band ranking. Mine's better.

Yeah, it's a bit of a stretch. Usual Suspects, like Seven, loses its effectiveness with subsequent viewings, but first viewing of Usual Suspects is pretty amazing.

"Singer’s non-superhero filmography isn’t especially great."
Yeah, The Usual Suspects and House totally sucked.

Of course not, just do something appropriate to the crime, like tease him until he develops an eating disorder.

I kind of agree that it's silly to go through the trouble of making a video explaining why you wouldn't see a movie, but he has every right to do that.

I refuse to see the Ghostbusters remake for a few reasons. 1 the trailer was just a bunch of hacky jokes. 2 remakes can be good, but again, the trailer makes it seem the movie will be typical comedic fare. 3 I like the 1984 movie, but despite its cleverness and great cast, it's not the end all and be all of comedies;

Toad, Mystique and Sabretooth were working for him.

It would make more sense for Magneto to lead the charge to save Xavier from Apocalypse, but it wouldn't make sense for Mystique to be one of the Four Horsemen, since she had decided not to shoot Nixon in the last movie. There have been countless Horsemen, they didn't have to include Magneto in that group.

I'd agree if they'd do something like Age of Apocalypse where Xavier would be dead, and Magneto would take his place as leader against Apocalypse. But they already did the time travel to fix dystopia thing with the last movie, and clearly they are not doing that with this movie.

The first Tim Burton Batman movie only had the Joker as the villain, but each subsequent on in the 1990s had two villains. The X-Men series followed the same trend, where Magneto was the only villain, but each movie after the first one had either Magneto and another villain, or a few villains, and Magneto there as

After two paragraphs of this review, I scrolled up to see who wrote it, and sure enough it was