
I was going to post: "Question: is the ass bass a fish, or musical instrument. Follow up question: if the musical instrument, is it an electric guitar or stand up bass?"

They made beautiful music together? Doesn't that mean they fucked?

OK, so mostly humans, with a few werewolves and vampires thrown in, but no cartoons.

The billion dollar industry exists because parents know Disney will teach simple, universal lessons to their children, and because kids like to be entertained by singing and dancing cartoons. It's not relatability, it's wish fulfillment.

Jesus Hula Hooping Christ…Cartoon characters don't "represent" me, they don't represent anyone that's the whole fucking point, and good goddamn you are dense. Am I supposed to check my cartoon representation privilege? Yeah, I've really been living the high life, what with all these cartoon characters that reflect my

So, what is your rebuttal? That gays have never picked on or beaten up a straight kid for being straight? You can't prove that.

Then why not expose your child to that real life representation, rather than in the world of make believe? It is a normal part of life, so show it to your kid in life. That's part of my point about the tangible and intangible in some other response I wrote somewhere, I don't know where it is. There are different

You criticize and dismiss my argument as being faux intellectual by saying it's just something some homophobe would write is the height of irony.

The fact that I can't give you a specific example via anecdotal evidence doesn't mean that it has never happened.

HAHAHA, I love you Cookie Monster!

I'm not on the Twitters. But does your age show up in your profile? Could you check everyone who shares the hashtag?

Disney actually produced American History X. Little bit of movie trivia for you.

Is there any way to find out what kind of market demand there is for a gay Disney princess, broken down into age brackets? Like, how many adults want there to be a gay Disney princess, how many teens, how many preteens, how many children, etc? The person who started the hashtag was 17, but how many kids, who Disney

Famous people: they're just like us!

Which characters, if you don't mind me asking?

I do enjoy the irony that LGBT people don't want to be treated differently, but they want the character to be, altered, made different so that she's more like them.

I'm sure live action depictions of LGBT characters could and would inspire some to come out of the closet. But a Disney princess? I remain dubious.

Can YOU speak for all of them? Of course not.

You literally hate all black people. It's so obvious.

I'm not a "but what about the children won't someone think about them!?!?!?" kinda guy. But, I recognize that this is a relatively hollow gesture that is being passed off as containing substance. And there are levels too. Representation in a live action show is one thing, but representation in a cartoon where the