
I actually have Shaggy's exact body type. It's hard to find pants when you're 6'6" and only 175 lbs.

Your name is a take off of zippeedeedoodah, the song from Song of the South.

That's ignorant. Straight people also get bullied, and get slurs hurled at them, both racial and sexual ones.

Disney Prime Ministers and Chancellors. Princesses are so old fashioned.

A child or preteen or whatever who is questioning his sexuality is not going to feel any better if he's watching a Disney movie that features a prominent character that is openly gay. The premise of this article is so absurd. "Gay kids will feel better about themselves if they see a cartoon character with ice powers

Rabin wonders what the joke is regarding the Blues Brothers on SNL. The answer is there is no joke, it's what Dana Carvey said on his special "All comedians secretly want to be rock stars." It was just wish fulfillment for Belushi and Akroyd. There is literally nothing funny about the concept of the Blues Brothers.

Fairuza Balk is terrifying. And her face is made of rubber. And any movie Robin Tunney is in should include her shaving her head because it's so cool, man.

There are a few great youtube clips of Opie & Anthony where they talk about this episode.

Hemingway didn't hate war. It was an opportunity for him to prove how tough he was.

Eggers dealing with his younger brother and the suicidal guy and/or the other guy that was an addict of some kind, I can't remember exactly, and the death of parents was enough of a plot. Eggers tries to be a little too clever. But I don't think the formalism is too overbearing.

I read this book about 10 years after it was published. I'd heard about it, and despite its precious title, I still decided to read it, a little afraid too much time had gone by and too much praise had been bestowed upon it and that I wouldn't be impressed b it (like when I finally got around to watching Raging Bull

I'll have to take your word for it. For some reason, I found the Bourne movies good to watch when baked, so I probably just missed it.


Did they really? And then he got amnesia? She must have one tight pussy!

I have a better tagline:
"Are Damon and Stiles finally going to get it over with and bang?"

I'm excited to see this because I like movies and books that have the word "diary" or "diaries" in them. There aren't enough of those.

Made for 6 million? Does that include actors salaries? Meaning, these A listers took huge pay cuts for the chance to be shit and jizzed on?

Had to stop reading the review because I actually want to see this movie. AA Dowd is cribbing from Ignatiy V's playbook of overwritten reviews. Save this shit for after people have seen the movie!

I fail to see the problem.

Form as content never has any staying power.