
This is the best 999 plan since Herman Cain dazzled us all on the campaign trail in 2012!

I'm rebooting a joke franchise.

So, pretty much The Force Awakens?

"Sonny Crocket's Mustache" would be a good title.

What do you mean by mannered?

This scene is misdirection for the rest of the movie. We're meant to think the movie is about competing magicians sabotaging each other and stealing tricks. So it is on the surface, but the movie is really about death, resurrection and immortality.

Following is his practice run at Memento, like how Thief, Manhunter and LA Takedown were Michael Mann's practice runs at Heat.

Can't this thesis apply to Sarah Connor as well, in general, regarding the franchise?

"He’s got a dead mother…" What, like a corpse lying around the house? Stuffed in the closet, resting on the couch, a shelf for old newspapers and sweaters?

1. Nice to see Jenna Fischer getting work.

Goddamn it! That was much better than mine.

Rostam will be replaced by popular and critically acclaimed guitarist Souvjiak Bunci'ferviakan.

I think citing those quotes shows Lee trying to redefine what violence is, and who you can commit it against if you feel wronged and aggrieved by someone. He's trying to justify exacting violence against those who don't deserve it, excusing misplaced rage as violence in self defense, or redefined as "intelligence."

You know what would be a hilarious recurring gag? Never ever mentioning anything to do with the J. Geils Band.

He's been trying FOR YEARS to bring his Latino nightclub drummer/comedian character Fericito back. Turns out, all he had to do was launch an online comedy channel. Boy is there egg on his face.

He had a tapeworm issue. He's back down to his normal weight of 40 lbs overweight.

Oh, please. They just changed the name, it's not like they brought in all new staff two years ago.

Surprising, since the Keith Olbermann/Al Gore Variety Hour & the Cenk Uygur cooking competition shows were such ratings juggernauts.

Couldn't they have named J Lo's character Karen so anytime she complains the feds and IA are getting too close, Liotta can flip out and yell KAAAAAREN! I GOT THINGS ORGANIZED!"?

Man, Joe Pesci looks horrible! He has not aged well at all.