
Yep. I lean towards Rand Paul but he also has his what the fuck moments. He's not a complete fucker like Trump or Santorum, but most of the sociopaths up there should be put in a padded room for a nice long rest.

It's not silly at all. It's easily definable. You've done a decent enough job, not exactly correct, but it's fine. Why would it be silly to define it on a message board? The ironic thing is that it has components of both the extreme left and right wings. But the word itself in common usage is a pejorative used to hurl

It depends on what the executive order says.

Nobody said Obama invented executive orders, but tyranny is defined by an autocrat using capricious and/or coercive laws against the populace against the wishes of the populace, or without the input of a legislative body.

They are not classified that way. I can sell my car to someone without having to register as the owner of a car dealership and go through all that entails. The executive action would make anyone who wants to sell a gun who doesn't own a gun store have to register with the state as a licensed outlet for the sale of

It should come with other cardboard stand up figures that you find at amusement parks, the ones with the faces removed for those clever photos, so the whole family can be his cabinet.

I don't know his level of corruption, but he certainly sounds and looks weird.

Voters tend to elect attractive, tall and young candidates who are good orators. Hillary is none of those things and she is ridiculously corrupt, and she has zero charisma.

His joke about Knope notwithstanding, what is Harsanyi's fundamental misunderstanding of what fascism is? Can you define it?

Hopefully John Oliver will explain it to all of us.

On his Facebook page, Harsanyi says the fascist comment was tongue-in-cheek. And since regulating fast food portions is clearly not fascism, the evidence he used to make his assertion, it should be obvious he was joking, and apparently AV Club and Salon has low awareness of when someone on the opposite side of the

Are you implying Americans never enjoy(ed) the negative rights found in the Bill of Rights? What kind of comment is that? Is this an attempt at profundity? If so, you failed.

And what "shitty fucking tone?" I can't help it if you throw a tantrum when someone disagrees with you.

I wrote that blacks were denied those rights, what the fuck? And just because women couldn't vote until the turn of the century, it doesn't mean the other rights were denied you, and you couldn't seek redress through the courts if they were violated. Your last sentence is just moronic BECAUSE I FUCKING WROTE THAT IT

No, it's not a gross exaggeration. Since 1787, America has had the Bill of Rights. America couldn't guarantee something prior to its inception, could it? People, like the reviewer of this Moore doc, that think American Exceptionalism means USA is awesome in relation to the assumed inferiority of any other country due

Right, it took a long time for the individual rights to be given in practice to blacks. But still to this day, a Constitution stating what rights the gov't is not supposed to deny its citizens is incredibly rare among countries, even among most Western industrialized ones.

"American Exceptionalism" isn't the belief that if you are an American you automatically kick ass and that other countries should chant USA! USA! It's not derived from a "Haha, fuck you France, amiright?" attitude. What makes America exceptional is its guarantee of individual rights and liberties inscribed in the

I agree. And I'd be happy if so called "academics" would stop equating speech they don't like with "violence." The only thing anywhere near "violence" Groucho ever perpetrated against Dumont was the bullshit medicine he was giving her in Day at the Races.

That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, and that isn't saying much for you!

"Endless aggression and violence towards women" Jeez, only slightly hyperbolic? Reviewer makes it seem like they were punching and raping Dumont. Dumont was in 7 of the movies, and she was the only so called "victim" of this "misogyny."