
More so than MASH and Catch-22?

Animal Crackers is best, then Night at the Opera, then Duck Soup.

No, that's ridiculous. No one's allowed to disagree with me about ANYTHING.

I'm not the one that feels "uncomfortable" by a white boxer beating a black one, you are. It's not an "issue," you are trying to make it one.

Now he's fighting NFL concussions with an incredibly bad African accent.

I propose inter-movie boxing matches!!!!!!! Rocky vs. Russell Crowe from Cinderella Man. Will Smith as Muhammed Ali vs. De Niro's Jake La Motta!!!!

Weren't we all, when you really think about it?

I laughed aloud in spite of myself at Hassenger's hand-wringing over the supposed racial issues in this franchise. If the white boxer, Rocky, beating a black boxer makes you "uncomfortable," then you need counseling. He's the star of the movie, for fuck's sake. Is he not supposed to beat Creed or Lang as a

THey were fun and adorable!

I always felt bad for Peter Criss. All the other band members are monsters or aliens with lasers and shit, but Criss's character is a total pussy…cat…

What the fuck is wrong with this cocksucker Rabin? Why is he such a Hanna Barbera hater?

Those are good choices.

Goddamn, that's an unfair question. Um, I guess Annie Hall. But my favorite one is Love & Death. I'm a huge Marx Brothers fan, like Allen is, and it's obvious Allen was heavily influenced by their movies when he made Love & Death. If I had to decide what his top three best movies are, it'd be Annie Hall, Hannah & Her

For the Lee stuff, I'm directing my ire more at critics than at the director himself. Keep in mind, I'm writing in broad strokes (I think I just mixed metaphors, too) but critics take Woody Allen's personal life into account when reviewing his movies, but don't do so when it comes to Spike Lee. But that's just a part

I like Bamboozled, Clockers and Inside Man. And Bamboozled is an example of a movie falling apart in the third act. All too often Lee doesn't know how to end a movie without cartoon violence, but at least Bamboozled was fucking weird enough to be interesting.

I agree with you. Like how Smith should just be a screenwriter, Lee should be a cinematographer, he's not a good story teller, he doesn't understand the structure of telling a story.

I'm not going to defend Smith, a filmmaker who doesn't understand framing and which lens to use. Lee is a good cinematographer, but a lousy story teller. And as much as I love Woody Allen, Lee isn't a slave to formula the way Allen is. But Lee is lousy with story arc. Like with Crooklyn: two hours of vignettes, and a

I think the best film he did was Inside Man.

Goddamn, what a ridiculous review. It just reinforces my assessment of Lee, whose movies you can charitably describe as "hit or miss." How is "Chi-Raq" worth a viewing? The review says it doesn't work at all except for a few brief interesting moments. It's almost like Ignatiy is afraid of criticizing him. Lee's movies

It's definitely a drag. There is a lot in RotJ to dislike, and foreshadows Lucas's inability to create a cohesive and coherent story, as seen in the prequels.