
How would you make it more plot relevant? The plot structure of RotJ is bifurcated, unlike Hope and Empire.

YES! One of the best subtextual parts of the OT is the mythology and philosophy which is completely destroyed by the prequels. Showing Vader's origin, like Hannibal Lecter, makes the character less scary.

The complaints here that make sense are the midi chlorians and Anakin being introduced as a sullen teenager. The rest is P.C. nonsense. Do we all really think George Lucas had some malice in not having many female characters, or the racial stereotypes? It would be great if there were more female characters and no

Well, yeah. What would you prefer, ambivalence?

OK, fine, you want more females in the movies, but can you at least get your facts right? "While Leia fares much better by comparison, Return Of The Jedi also struggles to get a handle on her once she’s in a relationship." Because Leia had to be carried to the Falcon by Chewie because she was too busy crying and

That's hot.

Maybe if at least some Sandler movies got critical respect. Ripping a Sandler movie apart is akin to stand up routine about airplane travel and differences between men and women.

I didn't see it, but I saw the DunkPacino scene, which was years in the making. Like, why did it take this long to happen?

I know, but he's picking apart a fucking Sandler movie! Tom McCarthy notwithstanding, what are we expecting from Sandler at this point? Even Funny People became insufferable.

Unreleased for a reason.

Is the point of this feature to go after low hanging fruit? I didn't think so, but maybe it needs to shelved for a while.

Who does J Law fuck in the end? I read the book but it was such shit that I can't remember who her baby daddy be.

I liked this movie the first time I saw it…when it was called Mr. Saturday Night.

Lucas's inability to tell a coherent story became apparent in RotJ. And I'm not just talking about the Ewoks.

Yeah I know. I mean, I'm not worried, but you all should be.

Yeah, I get that. The parallel you drew is too loose for me.

That's pretty incoherent.

It's just a flag. Symbols themselves are not dangerous or violent.

Aaaaah, yeah you're probably right. Makes sense.

People in general have an "it can't happen here" attitude. So a lot of Commie advocates and/or sympathizers think the totalitarianism is a bug, rather than a feature, of the system. I mean, Orwell himself was a socialist, and he recognized the dangers. Idealism can definitely blind people to the negative