
OMG you're so clever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2

I always thought it was funny they were literally "card-carrying Communists." Why the cards? You don't need a 3x5 to believe in an ideology.

Regardless of chronology, the Soviets and CCCP don't deserve any less criticism because they didn't come up with the idea. In fact, you could argue they deserve more since they greatly expanded its activities.

Thinking laborers should be paid more money does not mean you agree with the horrors of Communism. It just means you don't understand capitalism, i.e. scarcity of resources and risking capital. I'm sure the Hollywood "Commies" didn't think "What this country needs is a Gestapo and a few centrally planned famines!"

Nothing, aside from the hundred million dead Russians and Chinese, killed by their own despotic regimes. But, the people wanted Communism, evidenced by the secret police dragging people out of their homes and prosecuted in kangaroo courts.

Yeah, Bond going rogue should happen sparingly, because it means nothing if it happens every time. It stops being a plot point if he always goes off on his own. And it's the same thing with Mission Impossible. The biggest problem I have with those movies, which I generally really like, is IMF is constantly getting

"Maybe, after half a century of sequels, the producers of this series
need to really shake (not stir) things up by rethinking the basic
alchemy of the character."
No, just develop a new character for an unrelated spy franchise. Idris Elba would be a great Bond, but wanting to change who and what the character is is

What ridiculous names for characters. Calamity Jane Bodine, Pat Candy, Scoot McNairy…

"…which starts with a daughter losing a father and ends with a son having his mother escorted away by security…" So, Jem and the Horoglams also rips off the speech Michael Corleone gives to his future father in law while hiding out in Sicily?

Didn't they do this already with

I get a hard on just thinking about it.

Sinclair also wrote "OIL!" which is the source of There Will Be Blood, one of the best movies of the past decade, but PT Anderson replaced the socialism with religion, and all the capitalism and religious stuff is in dialogue.

Crack is a dangerous drug.

Adore is just horrifying and devastating. Forget "beautiful." Sequels usually resemble their source material. The B-side collection to Mellon Collie is better than Adore.


Are you drunk? Any one of them could give an interview at any time they'd like. How would he stop them from giving interviews? They gave individual interviews, and group ones. There was never any non-Billy Corgan band member media blackout. But James stopped caring a long time ago, and D'arcy is a total trainwreck, so

Yeah, but, those albums were, you know…good.

It has a few good songs, but he's a fool to think the fans will just like it because they're Pumpkins fans.

1) Bodies and 1979 are the best songs on Mellon Collie.

I always like it when somebody's first exposure to Ayn Rand is through the band Rush. Paul was one of those. It's funny and absurd.