
Incorrect. She never wrote that. She was against exploitation. She wasn't against paying labor market rate, but she advocated everyone should better themselves so that they can sell their labor for as much as they can get for it. The real moral obligation the little guy had was to strive, and not settle.

I know it's pointless to try to correct the record on this site regarding Ayn Rand, but "Donald Trump as Randian hero" is way off the mark. He wants to use gov't for his own self interest, like eminent domain, and use gov't to prevent people, mainly illegal immigrants, from trying to provide for themselves by using

They should have done this for their first coupla albums.

Spoiler Space: God is dead, and we're alone in the universe.

You know what would be really interesting and unique? A show that was the total opposite of this rote slog.

Sounds like a good, summer beach read.

I'd read a book called "NeuroNero" if one existed, about the mindset of Roman emperor Nero.

First of all, "neurodiversity?"

This is literally the best thing Barsanti has ever written, or will ever write.

The arguments against Idris Elba playing Bond are indeed bullshit. What is also bullshit is this author's assertion that Bond represents global white imperialism.

If his movie following Men is any indicator, Labute is not responsible for the form of this scene. I think we give artists too much credit sometimes in what will be memorable of their work. I think a lot of what an artist is credited for and what makes him notable is accidental. One hit wonders don't exist simply

This review is just a fucking teaser for an unprovided Spoiler Space!

This review needs a spoiler space. Did Apple products ever become popular?

I have many brothers and sisters.

Despite his almost comically advanced age, all of our moms would still totally bang Redford.

Did you ever see Star Trek: The Search for Spock? It's that.

But within the parameters of Star Trek, and more specifically, Starfleet, Kobayashi Maru is not testing if a potential captain will be able to learn something from losing; they're being tested if they follow Starfleet protocol if his ship is attacked and he knows he can not win a battle. Does the captain freak out, or

Both Swanberg and Allen should stop making a movie every year. Digging For Fire looks good, and Drinking Buddies was good, but Swanberg is too prolific for his own good. He puts out a lot of stinkers.

Most egregious of all, from a literary perspective, is how Brosnan uses quotes from Rime of the Ancient Mariner to bolster his argument that Salma Hayek should let him come on her tits.

One of Stewart's best performances is as Karla, the Russian spymaster in "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy" miniseries on the BBC that starred Alec Guiness as George Smiley. Stewart has no lines, and is on screen for ~10 minutes, but it's a great performance.