
Yeah, because you have a homicidal rage in you. You should try to calm down. Try psychotherapy, or heroin.

But instead you're only able to use a gun, like a total incompetent. How do you sleep at night, knowing how lousy at killing people you are?

Pretty relatable premise. Aren't we all small-town potheads living blissfully unaware of our pasts as
brainwashed super-soldiers, programmed by the CIA to be able to kill anyone using anything? Like, when you really think about it?

The only thing I know about this show is that Temple Grandin really liked it.

First you legalize gay marriage, and next you have toilet scrubber illegal aliens trying to fuck dog men wearing rocket shoes. I've been warning about this for years, but does anyone listen to me? Nooooooooo!!!

See, that just shows how bad the writers are. If she was such a groupie, banging dudes a long time, after a while she's not going to be tight anymore, naw mean?

Is "Tight-Fit Taylor" a joke about the woman's clothes, or her pussy? Because either way, it sounds like this show fucks it up.

I went in 2006, and then, I knew at least half of the acts there.

I'm always amazed at how many writers, plus Ralph Steadman, pay tribute to Thompson, who hadn't written anything worthy of his literary reputation since F & L on the Campaign Trail, by writing about him or including him in stories about themselves.

"The John Green adaptation Paper Towns has a hole in its center."

What are your thoughts on air travel?

Complete the joke, racist.

I wave the white flag of surrender, sir.

Killed by a Colt 45.

Were they Ides?

This reminds me of when MLK was forced to pretend to be black since nobody was paying attention to his marches.

Not that Atticus would be simplified, but that pedestrian readers will have a simplified analysis of him. I have no doubt, in this day and age of easy and lazy accusations of racism, that a large amount of people would just dismiss Atticus as racist and therefore dismiss a great work of literature, or even worse, want

This re-characterization of Atticus reminds me of The Godfather Returns when the author made Fredo gay, which was odd since in the movie Moe Green complains Fredo had been "banging cocktail waitresses, two at a time. Players can't get drinks at the tables." (The Godfather Returns is more a sequel and in-betweener for

Racism is not a force for good in the world. It's the force for good in the world. Get it right, or pay the price.

It's a good thing all that bad shit happened to her.