
The whole premise of this feature is one gigantic cluster-fuck. The runner-ups make it so they don't have to make any "hard choices." And if you're going to have two runner ups, why not three to include Coppola, or 4 to include Cameron? And Point Break is evidence of Bigelow being a great director? They come up with

I'll watch this the next time I have 4 hours to kill.

"Leary has been criticized throughout his career for doing an act that’s derivative of some of his peers…"

Was a second season televised already? If so, I missed it.

I've learned over time to not read this reviewer's reviews since they are essays and not reviews and he grades too harshly. So I scrolled down and was shocked, SHOCKED! to see the review is only four paragraphs long.

Previous-Failed-Solo-Second-Tier-Comic-Book-Character-Movie Ball.

*cough* CATWOMAN! *cough*

Maron's inevitable "So what did your dad do for a living" segment might be a little uncomfortable.

My favorite part of this movie is when the one guy glues quarters to the floor. What a free spirited artist! HE DOESN'T HAVE TO EXPLAIN HIS ART TO ANYONE!!!

Oh wow, are you a professional movie critic, or perhaps a Super Genius?

And David Spade is a much better Matt Damon than Matt Damon.

I liked this movie the first time I saw it. When it was called Interstellar.

I hope Caitlyn tries out for the Olympics soon.

Entourage is and always has been a great satire, but not of Hollywood. It's satirizing the audiences who would pay money to watch this terrible shit.

I didn't write:

Yeah, Sandler movies are stupid, but this article is ridiculous, with all the hand-wringing and clutching of pearls.

Mutual Appreciation is good. Computer Chess is overrated shit.

That sounds like something a rape apologist would say.

One of these men has fake eyes, a scarred psyche, mutilates his body and owns a collection of used prosthetic limbs purchased from amputees.

Should we give fucks or shits? Stop creating needless confusion.