
I didn't know which one of ICP was giving the interview until the Guy Fieri reference.

Your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?

All of this could have been avoided if Tony Stark had just heeded the lessons from the Terminator movies. Guess he's not so smart after all.

The Korean War was fought so that you may enjoy your sandwich, you Commie sympathizer.

I'm going to start #BringBackM*A*S*H, and I'm calling it a M*a*s*htag.

Best. 11 question. Ever.

How does the reviewer know the male writers wrote the "periods are icky" jokes?

Dude, fuck Big Bird. He (she?) is not worthy of a documentary. What I, nay, the world, demands is a rockumentary about Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem.

I would say just ordinary horrifying.

I imagine Abrams cinematic influences would be found in Spielberg movies. I thought Super 8 was more Spielberg than Spielberg.

"They don’t need to throw in a Total Recall-style triple-breasted prostitute or anything…" Well, hold on now, let's think about this for a moment. That could be the catalyst that would put these new movies over the top. Somewhere in such a vast universe there has to be 3 tittied whores, right?

Anne Murray is my pick.

Sam Barsanti buried the lede: we need to figure out what happened to the other 46 Anna Kendricks. This looks like a job for Joe Swanberg!

It's a real thing, but women are diagnosed with it so frequently, the way kids are diagnosed with ADHD now, that it doesn't really mean anything anymore.

Hollywood should hire you to punch up scripts.

So Tony Stark was the one who built Skynet after all? No wonder we're getting Terminator: Genysis. John Connor keeps sending soldiers back in time into the wrong movie.

He went back to Cambodia to save Dith Pran.

If they're going to bring back the flagship, they should make Sam Waterston a defense attorney. BOOM! Instant conflict and drama!

A Chicago-set medical drama? That's never been done before, and certainly there were never two running concurrently on two different major networks!

Hard rock is supposed to be scary and mean! The songs should be about looking over your shoulder for the Reaper, not soaring upon the wings of a falcon or whatever. Give me a stairway to Hell over a stairway to Heaven anyday.