
Are you serious? Cars are ubiquitous in society. They're everywhere! They never would have enjoyed any success if they were called The Rickshaws.

Solo Ozzy is to Godfather Part 3, while Sabbath Ozzy is to Godfather 1 & 2. Godfather 3 is a great movie, but it can't contend with its predecessors so it suffers due to unfair comparison.

Look, success in the rock world is not just determined by quantity and quality of artistic output. There are two very important factors: 1. Do women want to bang the band members? and 2. Are men copying the styles of band members that women want to bang? According to my unpublished studies, Led Zeppelin had Black

Interesting that Norway's Progress Party is anti-immigration.

If the members of Black Sabbath had been more handsome, they would have overtaken Led Zeppelin in popularity.

If the members of Black Sabbath had been more handsome, they would have overtaken Led Zeppelin in popularity.

…stealing their jokes?

It would be even better if nobody bought tickets to see this, or any Sandler "movie."

I totally understand your point. But you're painting with a very broad brush, devoid of nuance. People of different class, living in the same region, can and do speak in different ways. What you are saying is invented from whole cloth is probably an actual speech pattern for some people way the fuck back during the

Wow, you found interviews of 23 people which took place between 1932 & 1975.

I think you're creating a difference without distinction. Like I said above, even well educated people can speak without eloquence or articulation.

I understand the language employed in Gone with the Wind is not satirical the way it is in Huck Finn. But how do you think anybody who was prevented from being educated would speak? Would they always conjugate verbs properly, or employ proper syntax and pronunciation? Proper language usage is not inherent; people

It's stupid to complain that the dialogue of black characters is "sub-literate" in this book, since slaves and blacks under Jim Crow had either zero or a very limited access to education. Hell, contemporary white young college graduates routinely speak without eloquence, so why fault Mitchell for employing realistic

It's not pop culture or media, but I had two ex girlfriends that were totally into horses, and one of them even owned one and she had a stable at her house and one day we were looking for something to do and she suggested I watch her ride her horse which sounded like a totally retarded idea to me, and then the

I've only seen a few of these, but there always seems to be a scene where some character comes into the hideout and says something like "Well, we have to abort. The army is now guarding the thing we were planning on stealing, There's no way we can pull this off!" and Dom's reaction is "No, that's what we want them to

I looked at the headline real fast and thought it was about Paul Rudd, who has never been indicted for murder, but remains a suspect in several unsolved cases.

I really like Passion Pit, but yeah, for sure, his lyrics are total downers. Beautiful music, depressing lyrics. Comparable to the dynamic Elliot Smith and Sufjan Stevens on "Carrie & Lowell" had perfected. Delicate, beautiful music supporting songs about addiction and death.

Fuck man, what a drag Neil Young has become. Stop bumming me out, Neil!!

Probably too busy with the 20th anniversary reunion for What About Bob?

Why couldn't they talk to Julie Hagerty? What, is she too busy or something?