
It was the same thing in The Sopranos. Tony is the boss, and he's whacking guys? Come on, give me a break. What's the point of being the boss if you still have to get your hands dirty? It fucks up the character even, because Tony was much smarter than the average mob guy, so he should know better than expose himself

The filmmakers knew absolutely nothing about the Mafia. Sonny Black was one of the top captains in the Bonanno Family. He's not going to be out hijacking trucks with a bunch of other made guys, and it's doubtful even made guys would be hijacking trucks. That's low level shit. The hierarchy exists for a reason.

Looking at the picture, I can't tell which character is the retarded one.

Maybe it's because Prince never pissed all over some underage girl…as far as we know.

Sadly, that is probably the reason.

How was that three line quote from R. Kelly "homophobic" and "a little insulting?" Because he says Michael Jackson was feminine?

Is Abrams going to ret-con it so MLK is assassinated by John Wilkes Booth after he becomes the first colored MLB player?

Mike D'Angelo, who wrote this little blurb above, and who ever wrote the review of the movie, and anyone else taken in by this failed attempt at artifice have been bamboozled by a director in love with his own indulgences.

Both this little piece, movie review and interview with Bujalski mention the camera. It's blown way out of proportion. It looks like a security camera image. How is it a triumph of cinematography? What is this form as content bullshit?

There are 20 more movies to go.

Computer Chess is ridiculously overrated. The camera used does not compensate for the lack of content. The metaphors either don't land or are juvenile. And there's zero emotional resonance, which is what Mutual Appreciation thrived on.

I hope this movie's soundtrack repurposes Chris DeBurgh's classic "Lady in Red." And plays it when we first see the painting, the sex scene between Ryan Reynolds and Helen Mirren, and during the end credits.

Newsradio is not one of the greatest sitcoms of all time. It's really good, but it shouldn't be included in a time capsule to allow future generations of aliens and hybrid-humans to learn about our pop culture.

I watched Stand Up Guys a few weekends ago. Now, you'd think Pacino, Walken and Arkin could carry any movie, no matter how shitty the writing…and you'd be wrong. I might go see Danny Collins just because there is nowhere for him to go after Stand Up Guys but up.

They should have titled the reboot Teen Mom: Mom Jeans, or Teen Mom: Muffintop, or Teen Mom: The Custody Battles, or Teen Mom: Parole Violators.

"Ellis’ Doom is a tyrant who institutes martial law because the
alternative of allowing corporate rule to continue represents a far more
grievous danger to individual liberty."
But what Doom does is akin to socialist totalitarianism, which has never been conducive to individual liberty. Of course, this is a comic book

So a plurality of Americans want Tina Fey to take a step down in her career?

Finally some parity in the battle of the sexes, Paranormal/Supernatural Investigations Department.

You're right, and I didn't say it was.