
"Also, the assumption that straight people can only relate to straight characters is very sad."

Here was my source for the stats:

Tim has a legitimate gripe. Movie reviews should have a brief plot summary and a description of the overall competency of the film makers, not a statement explicitly designed to narrow the audience.

I don't know how comparable those examples are considering those shows were on a regular network during its heyday. Plus Cosby was a gigantic star already, and Grace was straight. And the Cosby show's supposed undercurrent of assimilation was so subtle as to be non-existent.

Considering the percentage of people who self-identify as gay is less than 5%, I'm not surprised shows would have trouble gaining traction. 95% America's population is straight so it's understandable that ratings will be incredibly low since it may be hard for audiences to relate to what the characters are

It's better for shows to only run a few seasons any way, so they don't get stale. Someone can always come along and create a new show featuring gay men.

If it's a show that focuses on a traditionally marginalized demographic, it gets a built in bump up in quality from critics.

They should do a crossover episode with Law & Order SVU so Donal Logue has to play two different characters (which is really just the same character).

You are correct sir.

Bushwoods Golf Course.

I would have gone with the Diamond Dogs world. I want to hang out with rats the size of cats and peopleoids.

Oh, so it's like in Inception when Arthur says "Don't think about elephants?"

I for one was not thinking that Charo had a dog stuffed inside her pussy.

Even Benjamin Netanyahu would agree that "the fact that this guy is still at large, after committing this
heinous crime. It’s worse than the Nuremberg trials. This guy should be
more sought-after than Joseph Goebbels. The amount of war crimes that he
pulled is worse than any Nazi ever could have, unleashing this song

That initial bank robbery scene borrows not just from Quentin Tarantino, but from Michael Mann's Heat about not stealing the customer's money, but the bank's money which is insured by the FDIC, which is not exactly accurate, but whatever.

Extreme cartoonishness is Ron's greatest strength. It's why the character works. He's the Bartleby in an agency wherein the employees are supposed to be super pro-active.

Those are very good analogies.

She better take her cardigan off to compensate for that BURN!

The Ultimate Zing!

Anton Newcombe doesn't fight his fans. He fights his band mates. Read a book.