
I'm sorry, which one is the female?

Yeah, sports movies are for the most part boring and cliche-ridden anyway, but Jesus Hula Hooping Christ, a cross country running team movie? Buh-ooooooooooring!!!

Dear Hollywood: Please make a whole bunch of movies wherein some character who is not white mentors or somehow helps a group of white people so we can reach parity and move beyond the laments of movie critics.

This is a pretty good move by Perry. He's not been able to get hardly any traction since Friends, so it makes sense for him to star in something that has the longevity of the Odd Couple. And Thomas Lennon has plenty of experience playing a violin aboard a sinking ship.

I wouldn't be surprised if Birdman won everything it's nominated in. Actors love jacking off to other actors and "process" and behind the scenes stuff. It's a great movie, but a shoo-in because it's about Hollywood's favorite topic: itself.

Makes sense. His name is POLANski, not FRANski.

This review deserves a Spoiler Space so it can be explained why broads are so 50 Shades of Cray over this booky wook.

I've got a D you can get by on, Lack of Name.

When did "assortment of XL sweatshirts, frayed baggy jeans, and Converse high tops" become the obvious wardrobe of a "sexual predator?" What the hell kind of either/or observation is that? "He's wearing non-descript, generic clothing, so he could be a potential rapist."

Yeah, even the most thought out egalitarian and logical forms of government are susceptible to erosion because of human fallibility. It's reflected in the Second Amendment: an armed populace protecting itself should a government become tyrannical. It's the constant cycle of waves and tides in the ocean.

Yes, they are elite, but their wealth and power comes from inheritance and titles bestowed to them by a government, most likely a monarchy.

How come chess doesn't have a Chinese variant like checkers does? I wonder what that would be like.

The review portrays these spies as believing "that all governments are bad," and that the spies are "moral superiors who only falter when they succumb to the lure of governmental authority." That sounds anti-state to me.

If these characters and this privately funded and orchestrated organization are so anti-state, why are they and this movie called "Kingsman?"

"There’s still the sense of The Slap being an out-of-left-field
programming choice for NBC. The network’s particular brand and
decision-making in recent years is shrouded in mystery…"
Well, since NBC has been making shitty decisions for a while now, any out of left field programming choice might have a shot at actually

Why would you be taken away for doublethink? Doublethink is state sponsored.

What about Bend It Like Beckham? I thought Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Keira Knightly got a bit statch rapey in that movie. Am I misremembering?

Sure, if you're WEAK!!!!!!!!!

Winston is the best character anyway. If he left, I'd stop watching.

But people usually try to leave a retail job. Marriage and kids and/or death are the only ways out of ballet.