
Because some people think it's a great idea to devote themselves to a thankless job wherein they can simultaneously hate and impress their peers and authority figures.

The plot seems pretty relateable for a Joe Sixpack such as myself.

Ah, red keg cups. There exists no greater metaphor for love.

Dat Scott Bakula tho

As the husband to a ballet dancer/coach/choreographer/troupe director, as well as brother in law to a ballerina, I can confirm the rehearsals, performances and aftermath are gigantic spectacles of self-loathing and intra-troupe hyper-competition.

Awesome burn! RAOTFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I liked this movie the first time I saw it, when it was called The Hurt Locker.

She has big boobs?

Does Christina Hendricks have a medical condition called "Gigantic Face Syndrome?" If not, I have just diagnosed her with it.

No, that wasn't her name.

What this movie needs is Jack Lemmon!

Ah, yes the moral imperative found in so many time traveling premises of assassinating Hitler, because it would be so easy to do and since he was the only one coming up with all of the shitty ideas the National Socialists were enforcing. But, if you believe in this concept, shouldn't you go back in time to prevent the

If TV history has proven anything, it's that TV executives are very bad at predicting what viewers will like.

IMO, the American version devolved into self-parody, and could have ended with the season 3 finale when Jim asks Pam out. The only other nice and poignant moment after that was when Michael proposed to whatever her name was, with all the candles and the other office characters proposing and her saying no.

Well, at least it has a great title. To paraphrase Norm MacDonald, the plot goes from shit to fucking shit.

I think AV Club should have a feature that is the opposite of 100, where they analyze a great show that was better for being short, like how the British Office was superior to American Office because it was limited, rather than what American TV does which is take a decent premise, then beat it into the ground, then

I guess nobody told Mike Binder that he should employ character tropes instead of real life stereotypes when coming up with the black characters for this movie. So, instead of a crack addict father, Andre Holland should be playing the Magical Negro, or something akin to Mr. T's Wise Janitor who imparts knowledge and

So a Random Roles, including a new movie, and if history is any indicator, AVClub gave that movie a C-.

Superman 2 is the best one.