
Who's Michael Moore? *DOUBLE SARCASM*

I think it's just a good business practice to ban Michael Moore from your restaurant, especially if you run an "all-you-can-eat" buffet.

That is the sad truth, and I'm glad you brought it up. It shows that even though a lot of progress has been made for racial parity, we still have more work to do. Dr. King's vision of racial equality will never be truly realized until there is a comparable number of white and black astronaut comics…unless Selma wins

This bit isn't about how there aren't any black astronauts, but it's pretty hacky and based on stereotypes.

The second paragraph is an observation on black comedians. It's a pretty common joke construction about things black people don't do that white people do.

Sounds like a remake of Treasure of the Sierra Madre.

Why tell me in the first place?

Don't care.

Of course I am! Who wouldn't fear and hate a man whose prosthetic legs are made of titanium. He's indestructible now! That's the stuff they build space rockets with, you know. OMG, wait a minute! Lt. Dan has titanium legs…then he stars in Mission to Mars about astronauts on space rockets…coincidence?…or Rothschild


This scene was like when Tim Meadows says "Dewey Cox has to think about his entire life before he goes on stage" in Walk Hard.

The first thing to happen is writing the script, and I don't think a writer is thinking, "I have to write about the mundane because there's no way I could get enough money to see my vision through."

Whovian! You son of a bitch!

Maybe every so often Todd Packer will show up and bust Backstrom's balls.

I often listen to Disintigration Loops when I'm writing.

You're right, and these "comedies" are almost never LOL funny. Even something as good as Drinking Buddies failed to deliver humor that elicited more than that kind of laugh you do when you snort really quickly through your nostrils, or chuckle without parting your lips.

The Comedy is the best indie comedy of the past couple years. And mumblecore can not help but destroy itself as a genre. How, after seeing a bunch of these movies, are you supposed to not hold these characters in contempt? All these characters who don't know what to do after college so they sit around drinking and

LOL, especially @"Hot Topic-Count Chocula scene"!

What is the purpose of her existence on this show? To bore the audience?

I like to imagine both right hand men of Falcone and Fish, upon learning of their boss's plans to keep Fish alive and exile Falcone to a country cottage 20 miles upstate, respectively, said "Shouldn't we just shoot him/her?" a la Dr. Evil and Seth Green in Austin Powers. And that both Falcone's and Fish's responses