
I think the makers of Gotham don't realize what a prequel is. Batman fans have known all along his parents were murdered when he was a kid. It would make sense to have the pilot of Gotham and the subsequent series start and deal with the Wayne murders if Batman's impetus for fighting crime had never been revealed

I wrote this before, but I'll do it again: this show should not have started with the murder of the Waynes. If it had to be included for this show to feel good about itself, make it a series finale, or season finale somewhere down the road. The show would have been much better if it was a real prequel, and was

Oh, he left because he got promoted.

He'd come after me a lot. After commenting on these columns, I would just delete the email notifications that he had responded before even reading them.

If this is her last column, how am I going to bait Ham Rove?

Judging from the book, I'm surprised the entire movie isn't Katniss sitting in a darkened room, the camera not leaving her poorly lit face as she describes stuff that has already happened, with no accompanying images of said action.


Yes, some serious character development for young Master Bruce, much better than Selina's character development of "people call me cat" and drinking milk from a glass bottle, because apparently this show is set in 1958.

I think Gotham's writers introduced the character of Dick Lovecraft just so they could have a character called Dick Lovecraft.

The progressive nature of the casting of the main characters is completely undone by the recycled premises of the show.

Ben Affleck's Gone Girl, starring Tyler Perry as Ben Affleck.

Could be worse: Tyler Perry's Saving Christmas

Now that David Anthony has come to terms with Alkaline Trio/his own life, he can get "J/K" tattooed under the "Whoops!"

No, I don't get your point because it's asinine. I'm not an MRA. I believe in individual rights for everyone, the equitable relation people have with his government. Let's not get into another pissing contest like we had in the comments of another one of CE's columns. It's pointless.

Could be. This one and I think there was another column about how she became a standup or an improv actor. But, if I had to guess, since the most consistent topic of her columns is what her life is like as a lesbian performer, the AVclub management told her to write about herself because supposedly if you hail from a

This is the last of her columns I'm going to bother reading. I liked the first two, and my good will towards her talent has been exhausted. Good day to you sir.

I've decided I'm not going to bother reading her columns anymore. Her first couple were entertaining and had a few laughs, but she's exhausted the good will of the audience. If I want to hateread things, I'll go to Slate.com.

Remember when AVclub wasn't a poor woman's Jezebel, or Salon?

I commented a few columns ago that her bio should read that she is "an LA based writer" or maybe reorder the bio so stand up comedian is not her first credit because reading it makes people expect humor, and she is not delivering.