
"It’s entirely possible to tell great stories in Gotham City without relying on Batman."

I thought the point of this feature is to convince people to listen to something? Why would I want to be screamed at by an Icelandic person singing a song recommended by a former fatty?

That's why I said she was motivated by self-loathing. Also, why does Sonia think anyone would care about her Lena Dunham identity crisis? Jesus, how self-involved do you have to be to write this drivel?

Nasim's "complete nightmare" is living in an apartment that doesn't have hardwood floors?

What was the gist of your essay? And what is SS doing instead? I read some of these comments with people saying they're happy she's leaving or something?

I feel like I should read the synopsis of a think piece about Sonia's self-loathing fueled compulsion to appropriate Lena Dunham's identity.

I literally had tears in my eyes when I learned of her passing last night. She was one of the best cast members SNL had; she was versatile, and even after she stopped being a regular cast member, she was introduced in the opening credits as a special guest star. I'm surprised she didn't have a bigger post-SNL career.

Why does he reference Titanic? Does he mean there's going to be a sequel?

I'd be willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, that her sarcasm about Bono's sarcasm doesn't come across since it's non-verbal…but I've read and heard a bunch of people use that line from that song to attack Bono as somehow being insensitive to the plight of Africans, as though Bono would go through the trouble

LOL. This portion of the interview fails the Bechdel test. We should freak out and blog about it!

She's Aladdinsane. Or Agirlinsane if you prefer.

Except for her last column, she writes funny columns like once a month or so.

OK, first of all, Bono is being sarcastic when he sang "Tonight, thank God it’s them instead of you.” It points out the very nature of why they are singing the fucking song int he first place. That people for the past 30 years bring this up thinking it's a gotcha on Bono shows how oblivious they are.

At the top of Kilimanjaro, there's also a dried and frozen carcass of a leopard. Can you explain what it is doing at that altitude?

If the GOP had any sense, they would do a "Republicans are cyborgs" ad campaign to appeal to today's technology obsessed Millennials.

Ugh, Beast. The least compelling character there is.

What about when the helicopter lifts off and Hawkeye sees goodbye written in stones?

I cry or get choked up often, but I think it's the weirdest when the first times I saw Godfather 2 & 3, I got misty when Michael had Fredo killed, and when Michael died in that courtyard in the Sicilian villa. I don't think that's supposed to make me choked up.

They already tried a Serpico show, but maybe they can reboot a 40 year old TV show that was based on a movie that was based on a real story.

More sarcasm?