
Whenever I'm forced to listen to fun. I always think that they sound like a direct rip off of Queen. Queen is a great band and fun. is sullying their legacy.

I like you, you're funny, I want you to come to my house and fuck my sister!

The Watanabe Family is murdered!!??! Except for Ken, right? And the inclusion of the Pearl Harbor bombing serves as an allegory to it, right? The carriers were out to sea when the Japs attacked so they missed their primary targets, right?

You probably have the best father in the history of families.

Just listened to "Come Into My Mouth." It's an effectively compelling analysis of mid-19th century European social upheaval caused by the industrial revolution.

Mine is "I Wanna Rape You" by GG Allin.

Maybe the candidates for Hatesong should be pre-interviewed so avclub doesn't have to publish the ramblings of an ignorant boob.

This article would have benefited greatly from less obsessing over the sexes and races of the actors, and more about how the aliens Starfleet meet make us think about the human condition. A little something other than links to noteworthy episodes. And Enterprise was better than how it's portrayed here.

Yeah, of course Dads is shit. What do you expect when you throw something together?

Is there a meme based on Steve Buscemi's weird looking eyes?

"and Frank’s mistress, Melanie (Isla Fisher), the same scheming “surfer girl” Bridget Fonda played in Jackie." Hold on, is Isla Fisher playing a nine year old version of Melanie? This prequel is set a few decades before Jackie Brown, no?

Shouldn't they have gotten Andy Serkis to play the protagonist instead of Robin Wright?

The whole series was a figment of autistic Anthony Jr.'s mind, reflected in a snow globe, which then grows propellers and flies away to reveal B.J.'s final goodbye to Hawkeye.

Ugh, I'm so disgusted by those Stick Bundler Pride Parades. It's like, if you wanna bundle sticks, be my guest, but just don't be so flamboyant about it, dancing around with fallen branches and twine.

Well, there was a time when it didn't used to mean anything anti-gay. It referred to bundles of sticks to be burned, which then became a slur for gay person, and the diminutive version means cigarette in the UK.

He did make Fukushima jokes, but I can't remember what they were. He's supposedly a Twitter star.

20 years ago they'd be lamenting they can't say "faggy" or call the disabled "idiots" and "cretins," which were actually acceptable terms many years ago.

This dude Alec Sulkin was just on WTF. He told Maron that his contract as a writer for Family Guy is if he creates or writes for other shows, he is still obligated to write for Family Guy. He also co-wrote Ted, I think. What I'm trying to say is, to paraphrase Norm MacDonald, Alec Sulkin's work goes from shit to

Deep dicking her ass parallels the raw deal the justice system and prison industrial complex foist on the African American community.

Those fucking HOLDOUTS! If those little shit twins are unwilling to kick out this jam, I'm sure Mark Lin Baker and Bronson Pinchot are available. I'd watch a Perfect Strangers reunion show. Or Family Matters. But not Step by Step or Sister Sister. Those two shows were completely unrealistic.