
They were actually satirizing those who ignore the link between the War on Drugs and the militarization of the police, as seen in Ferguson, MO. It's so obvious.

What if you can't control your pussy?

I agree with Rollins kinda about if you have young children you shouldn't kill yourself, but the "If you kill yourself I will delete you from my brain" bit is really odd. It's almost like a warrior honor thing. If you die in battle, you go to Valhalla, but if you kill yourself you dishonor yourself and spend eternity…

And they made Landslide a single! That song is boring compared to the other songs on the album. Girl Named Sandoz is also a cover. I jam out to Frail and Bedazzled.

That had some good songs but it didn't blow me away. You can't confuse Incesticide for a proper album.

Smashing Pumpkins Pisces Iscariot. A B-side comp that could be mistaken for a legit studio album. I can't think of a better B-side comp.

"I think they're in the naval base in Alameda."

I don't care for violence for violence's sake, which seems prevalent in his films.

Fair enough.

The out of sequence structure is what makes it intriguing, not the plot. You want to keep watching because you want to know how those characters got into those situations, and that is a function of revealing the ending, and then backtracking.

Checkov is my favorite secondary character. I don't know why. Maybe because in the movies he was always the butt of jokes or getting attacked or having accidents and I feel he needs some love.


If it was a linear story, do you think you'd like it as much? Does the out of sequence structure really add anything? I don't think it's essential or even necessary to the story the way it is for Memento.

PF isn't a bad movie, it's good. It just doesn't make me cream my jeans like it does for a lot of other people. I don't think I've seen any of his stuff after Jackie Brown, because after those two and Reservoir Dogs, which I think is his best movie, I was like "OK, I get it."

Let me know when Walter Koenig gets his equally boring and pointless documentary.

Just like Pulp Fiction and its poor imitators, TFIOS now has its poor imitators, just like The Hunger Games has its, and on down the line. And the works influencing so many imitators are all drawn from the previous generations' throwaways…

Looks like it's back to Zoloft for me.

Pulp Fiction and Tarantino are the most overrated movie and director in the movie industry.

Oh man, I kept scrolling down and with each entry thought to myself "When are they going to talk about the great Chinese arthouse breakthrough of 1994!?!?!?" and finally, there it was! Bravo!

Of all the scenes De Niro has in movies of him repeating the same phrase over and over, Cop Land has the best one when he repeats "Go to lunch!" about 20 times. That's what made this movie Oscar bait.