
Yeah, he looks like him, but DeVito has a very serious fish allergy.

Erroneous! Scarecrow in the Nolan Batmans, and General Zod and Lex Luthor in the Superman movies. And what about villains from X-Men? Erroneous!

Yeah, Nolan and Eckhart did Two Face alright, but they should have had the third movie be about him doing what he did at the end of the second movie. And throw in some Catwoman, get different perspectives of vigilantism.

I think both the Nolan trilogy and "last century's" (an odd yet chronologically accurate description) Batman movies squandered the Two-Face character. Two-Face is just as an important villain foil to Batman as the Joker is.

They should retcon the character and make him Mr. Fever.

" bought the rights to Finch’s 1992 book"

Wow, this is the Velvet Revolver of artist super groups!

How many filmmakers do you know of that put out a movie a year (obviously they can't all be remarkable), but that also can score his movies with his own jazz band, as well as write books and articles and perform standup?

I thought this feature was for good music the critic wants people to listen to.

I'm surprised it's called "Criminal," and not "The Bourne Plagiarism." Ooh, no wait! "The Bourne Larceny"!

That's Imperial propaganda.

The Book About Your Mom

WW2 is not the "last honorable war." That distinction goes to the Star Wars trilogy.

I love Hagerty. Airplane movies and What About Bob? Come on, fughetaboutit! She's great.

BLECH! I like Jose Ferrer and Julie Hagirtay or however you spell her name, but that movie is so fucking boring.


Mos Def

True. He did the Death Star and the Suncrusher, both of which the same characters, Han, Chewie and Luke destroy. Hey, Empire, here's a tip: before you spend all that time and money on building another superweapon, kill those three characters.

I think movie critics immerse themselves so much that they want what is up on screen to be real. They want recurring movie characters and filmmakers to really be like how they are depicted on screen. The most common question Groucho Marx had to field was if Harpo could really talk.

I would've gone with Scoop to diss Allen's lack of making a good movie about magic.