
Movie critics review Woody Allen's films in the context of the Previn/Farrow thing because they want him to be guilty, so they feel compelled to remind people, and they get that chance once a year because Allen is so prolific. There was an article on Flavorwire in which the writer stated she will always take Ronan

The Timothy Zahn series was the bomb. One of the reasons the Zahn trilogy is so good is that it doesn't rely on a superweapon to compel the plots. Lucas was so obsessed with Death Stars, along with some of the authors who included it and other superweapons (Suncrusher WTF?), that he included them in four movies. Why

Your mom?

Best. Hatesong. Ever!

The dude is a "surly ice cream vendor?" Genius characterization! Almost as compelling and nuanced as "depressed roller skate rental clerk."

If I want to read post-apocalyptic fiction, I'll pick up Snooki's newest effort.

I demand a Spoiler Space for this book!

Thanks for changing the format of the Tolerability-O-Meter. The prior one was confusing.

This show would do better as a concept, than an actual show. Like, "Hey what if there was a show called Hotwives and it makes fun of reality shows?" "That sounds funny. Pass the bong."

I'm torn!

That stuff about having the metabolism of a 16 year old boy: Daniel Johns was anorexic for a while, so maybe he's a 16 year old girl?

Michael Buble has a new Christmas album out. Hey Happy Birthday Jesus! Hope you like crap!

Note to self…

Word on the street is Wheelan got fired for making all those O.J. Simpson jokes, even after Don Ohlmeyer told him to stop.

Fun fact: Scarpa died of AIDS which he contracted through a blood transfusion from one of his underlings. He refused to share blood with someone he didn't know, and that crew member turned out to have HIV. I'm not going to say Italians can be superstitious but…

Use IMDB, Sideshow Bob…

Who is actually sad by this news?

What's the deal with Jennifer Armstrong equating The Merv Griffin Show subplot with date rape? Who is this person?

The book is a collection of essays describing Eminem's orgasms?

What happened in Benghazi was a real cock-up and a result of Obama's lack of anti-colonialism.