
Yes, that is probably hate speech.

Do you really?

1. Yes, it's a joke.

Yes, government functions as a result of the threat of the use of violence.

I'm a libertarian, so both sides immediately distrust me.

Oh God! You're black!?!?! I never would have responded to you if I had known.

It's your right to get upset about anything you want. There's a difference between not agreeing with choices a person has made, or their appearance, or what they believe, and out and out hate.

It all depends on if you agree with what a person says, whether or not it's "hate speech." There was the "vagina manger" thing with Jon Stewart. Christians who got all up in arms about it would call it hate speech, and those who are more secular or not Christian might not. What makes something hateful is so broadly

It's human nature to have biases. We don't enter into conversations to give opinions if we have no opinion on the matter. Why wouldn't you be biased towards promoting the thing you already believe in?

Micro-aggression! Micro-aggression! Everyone come look at the violence inherent in the system!

Jon Stewart is most definitely a liberal and I know he goes after liberals as well as conservatives. As well he should as he is satirizing the media, which is comprised mostly of liberals.
But he, like everyone else in the world, has an ideology that he'd prefer to see put into effect. If Stewart really was the

That's an outrageous accusation.

Oh, everybody's is always outraged about anything it seems.

Oldman missed the point about Jon Stewart and Bill Maher. They don't just throw epithets at people; they're not scatological. The criticism Stewart and Maher deserve is that they want to be taken seriously, but they use comedy as a shield from backlash. They have an agenda they'd love to see reified, but they are

I'm looking forward to watching this, as it confirms my bias that American wives are nags.

The Nathan James is a battleship? When is the movie set, 1939? And if it was a battleship, it would be named after an American state. To make up for these inaccuracies, hopefully the Russian ship captain is played by Sean Connery. "Full shpeed ahead. Where ish my shecond in command, Sham Neil?"

Expect every line Paul delivers to start with "The Federal Reserve should be shut down…" or "There is no authority in the Constitution…"

Franco puts the b in subtle.

"Together, this new lineup continued its upward arc into the mainstream
stratosphere, manufacturing Vans Tour-friendly pop-punk that made Green
Day sound like GG Allin by comparison."
GG was not meant to be listened to, but watched. And his "sound," such as it was, wasn't what I would call hardcore or punk.

Actually, Eugene did not pass the Turing Test.