
I always thought it pretty funny Julia Roberts has that rule about not kissing on the mouth. Isn't it undermined by her job description of "banging dudes for money?" I get it, she doesn't want her trysts mean something more than they are or whatever, but she treats kissing on the mouth like it's fucking kryptonite.

I was going to comment, "This Hatesong seems particularly lazy, this guy is taking down the low hanging fruit of Green Day for their song that takes down the low hanging fruit of W. Bush." and leave it at that, but I LOLed when I read:
"It’s pure delusion from the minds of three billionaires just sitting in

*COUGH starfucker! COUGH*

I did not experience suppression of speech; I experienced the suppression of free inquiry…but they are linked. I could say anything that popped into my fool head, analysis of literature is so subjective that it almost cries out for off the wall critiques. What I didn't appreciate is having professors who would try to

There are a lot of instances of this. I'm sure you can find plenty of examples on the web.

That's on Pet Sounds. oh Man, you are so clueless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can't those jerks just be denied admission? Problem solved, higher education system. Seriously, I'm getting tired of solving all their problems.

Ugh, Belgians. If there's any group that deserve to be mocked and shoved back into the closet, it's them.

That's the problem with kids today! No historical context. Ask a teenager today "Who won the Revolutionary War?" and he'll tell you Abe Lincoln when we all know it was John Adams!

I will give you a serious answer. Here's your Beach Boys Primer:

I too, like Archie Bunker, find myself looking backwards and longing for a more simpler time. Back in my day, we didn't have to worry about shielding our kids from seeing a gay NFL player kiss his boyfriend on national TV. No, my friends, the mores of the times were much more traditional, and we had a much easier time

Free speech is being banned on college campuses. You're not out of the woods yet.

Whenever I see Shailene Woodley's face, I make the Jim Halpert face when he looks at the camera after Michael Scott says something stupid. Until now, I didn't know what it was that I found a bit repellent about her face. Seeing the respirator thingy in her nose, now I understand…now I get it…

I thought Primer was for more esoteric acts.

He's been a gay rights activist since he was born?

I visited Woonsocket once. I would suggest lighting most of the town on fire, but that would cause the town's property values to skyrocket, and you don't want the surrounding towns to get jealous.

Oooh, he should shoot it in black and white to really capture the mood of Woonsocket.

*Also pinches the bridge of your nose* There, there

You're right that English is pretty ridiculous. The rest of your post is several logical fallacies strung together.

Speaking of cranky old uncle, I recommend his story he told Letterman (it's on the youtubes) of when he stayed at a Bed & Breakfast.