
You win this round.

Fuck you, YOUR sister is a werewolf!!!

"…recognizably Eastern European forests." Who's able to look at a forest in a movie and place it?

Show me them werewolf titties!

Sean O'Neal, you are the Moon Master.

So, this is "performance art" right? Like the Joaquin Phoenix thing?

So, did you fuck, or what?

She was a pretty fucking slow learner, huh?

Aye, Dios Mio! Frankenstein

True story: my friend and I went to see this movie. We didn't know what it was about; it was playing at the art house in our town. I thought it was a date…but watching a movie about POWs get decapitated and eat bugs is a great way to kill the mood. Halfway the movie I was thinking "I wonder if she thought this was a

He gives the suspect bus fare, and cares for kids, but he's corrupt? Wow. Complex character. Oooh, maybe he has an estranged child, or disabled uncle?

I wish the real life president was like the one from that episode of School of Hard Knockers who dances after Corey Masterson and Nerdlinger explode that bra bomb, much to the chagrin of Dean Bitterman. Yes! Take that, Bitterman!

I hope Ferrell doesn't ruin this.

Hey man, why you dissing my alma mater, Hamburger University? GO PATTIES!!!

While they're embellishing 47 Ronin with all this ridiculousness, they should add Robert De Niro from "Ronin" so that when Keanu and his buddies are fighting dragons, De Niro can stand around, shrugging, exhaling noisily through his nostrils and repeating, "I don't know…I don't know…"

I just watched Mutual Appreciation. It had a grainy quality to it, and from the musical performance which sounded like Elvis Costello or something, it felt like it could have been set in the late 70s/early 80s. Also, the romantic part of that movie is pretty tame, so it makes it seem like it's set in a long ago time:

Does Duck Dynasty sell fake beards?

Sounds like Somewhere by Sofia Coppola. But with no money or crew. And solar power!

Yeah, I know, I appreciate that you have to do that. It's just become a cliche as well.

Yeah, I know, that's why I wrote "most."