
I really hate the phrase "apparent suicide." I have to assume most suicides make it a bit obvious what had happened.

Goddamn this story has staying power. I haven't seen this show but from what I understand the family is rich already, right? So, it's not like they need the show for a job the way a more typical reality show star would. There's plenty of weird fucking freaks in the swamp a cable channel can center a reality show

I'm either way too cool for school, or completely lame. I've only watched Brooklyn Nine Nine. While reading this list, I had cartoon question marks floating above my head.

What I think about regarding Anchorman 2 is how the first one was so quotable, like Super Troopers and Caddyshack, and that Club Dread and Caddyshack 2 were total shit compared to their predecessors. So many of the hilarious lines from Caddyshack and Super Troopers are delivered so casually and deadpan and aren't

Maybe Larry the Cable Guy and Medea can appear in other movies together, a la Laurel & Hardy or Jay & Silent Bob.

Haha! Yeah. I know. I did skip the last two paragraphs. I really just wanted to write Jesus Hula-Hooping Christ.

I agree, he does know his way around economics. The problem specifically with Krugman is he and other Keynesians treat economics as prescription for human action, rather than description of human action. He has changed over the years as someone who relied on empiricism to support theory to a demagogue and a

It's absurd to even proclaim someone to be a public intellectual. People have fields of specialty, and usually they are experts within a strain of a particular issue. For example, a lot of people who devote themselves to Krugman's essays about economics defend his nonsense with "He has a nobel prize in economics!" His

I was thinking of Peter Sellers the entire time!

Oh, OK, so I'll know to not watch that night.

"PR blowback" is one of R Kelly's favorite sex acts.

Nothing and no one can stop Tyler Perry's Tyler Perry movies.

We don't know for sure that he can't do that. But Ron Swanson probably could.

Then shouldn't it be renamed the Autobiography Channel?

You lost me at "multiple voice-over narrations" but won me back with "Christian Bale, rocking a beer belly and comb-over."

So, Tom Hanks saves both Private Ryan and Mr. Banks. Is there anything Tom Hanks can't do?

It sounds like SVU is up against it's toughest case yet.

Su! Su! Sussidio!