
I grow less and less convinced that this is a gimmick account and you're actually the person you present yourself to be. "my dear Lydia"… just.. wow… awesome.

Their smiling faces…

yeahyeahyeah, that's what i meant. perfectly acting bad on purpose.

Another part I loved that I don't think has been mentioned is the gentle reprise of the Pamela/Louie theme song/music during the phone sex call (though I can't for the life of me remember exactly which episode or part it was originally in)

I liked the scenes too! I just didn't think they had genuinely good acting like some comments said here. And I thought that was the point.

I'm surprised that most of you genuinely enjoyed the play. I thought some of those moments, particularly the Cera/Litgow exchange was intentionally melodramatic and contrived.

chilllllllll with the reviews that are pure recap, dig a lil deeper bran. we watched it, we know what happened.

…. you wanna talk about it guy?

ok cool, I'm pretty stoned and that's what I was thinking about this review too, but then had to question if the review actually sucked or if it's just from the pots. but then you validated all these feelings. I'm gonna take another rip now.

how you feel about that swagger guy tho??

I may need to give it a re-watch, but I wasn't crazy about this episode. I don't normally watch it live, but it's pretty difficult to get into with all the commercial breaks in between.

i only just now understood the joke after reading it.

Despite the jokey tone of my comment, I'm actually not kidding. Prior to the diva search, the actually trained females were entrusted to go over the top rope.

Because after the first diva search added a bunch of barely trained girls in to the roster and they started having battle royals every other week, they realized they didn't teach them how to take that bump and were just like "ehhhhhhhh fuck it, we'll just change the rules cause they're girls"

it is, and I was using it in the mocking sense.

I'm glad you extrapolated a bit from what you originally said, but all the op said was "I wouldn't go as far as to call her beautiful, but she wasn't ugly either." You're the only one who brought up a rating lol.

still, slammin tho, right dorkbro?

the gist of what you just said "the lesbians were shown in a negative light in this episode, so both louie and this episode are homophobic"

Is it really that unacceptable or inappropriate to raise the point that he did (one which I agree with actually)? The reviewer classified her as beautiful, op disgreed…. seems fairly innocent to me.

well, like her or not, wasn't last season's suggestion that they were going to engage in a man-woman kissing thing (relationship)? perhaps i'm getting ahead of myself and it'll be explained.