
I can't be the only one wondering where Pamela is at, can I?

Nash's quad tear was pretty great. What happened to Trip's thigh though and that big ol bruise he was sporting?

Finding that song in the opening was the only good thing to come out of the season.

I don't know if he's the return of Mother Teresa or a kitten-stomper

animal collective everythang

ok friends… if it's anything like that dictator bullshit show, I'll put yall in your fuckin grave, underwood style.

but so…. the americans is worth my torrenting time?

Fiona is supposed to be.. 23 right? Why is she even tying the knot at this age anywho.

i can get used to referring to V as Verizon.

good looks on the clarification, i was a little confused at first hah

I was waiting for them to pull a joint out of a hollowed out bible tbh

well ya but……nobody cares about chris.

i think they've toned down the scare at the risk of losing (scaring) it's predominately (<—based off nothing) female audience, and become American Girl Power, Evil Man Story.

idk why they didn't just use Gabourey for the fat lady-addition to the freakshow… she fits the bill pretty well..

their use of 'butthole' and 'asshole' just hits the spot.


Easily the best part was when (was it the producer?) said that Lorde is gonna expose her asshole on The Tonight Show

the reaction of "You go girl!" trumps over logic.

was that really the best you could do :/?

the girl reacting all non-nonchalant to him revealing that he put the glass bits in the fuel line or whatever was cringe-worthy though

so like… can't they just wait all this shit off? how long has it been anyways (since the ZA)?