
Well, they called 911 and he went away in an ambulance.

TV is the place for gays, now. Movies have to appeal to the broadest possible audience, and TV can be niche.

I was really shocked Jimmy told Kim about how he destroyed the old lady's life and she just rolled with it. Seemed out of character for her. They didn't even bother showing it onscreen. I thought that would end their relationship. Now I'm just wondering what does end it. She seems to be getting more and more morally

I'm glad to discover that I'm not the grumpy old man telling kids to get off my lawn just yet.

An old white guy whose last name is Usher.

It doesn't matter if Claire pardons Frank or not, she's married to him. The stink of corruption is all over her. It's beyond silly that the show wants us to think the American people will distinguish the two. Also, if Frank goes down, he'll obviously take her with him.

Anyone notice that there's very little of the actual interview there? I suspect Kelly was a lot more congenial with Jones in the full interview, and then they furiously re-edited all the stuff around him to make it look more like a hit piece after the shit hit the fan this week.
Don't misunderstand, I'm perfectly

I really want to know the breakdown of the votes.

Go with the one who didn't tell grieving parents that they're liars.

The only thing Johnny Utah ever did was love the wrong man.

I still maintain that if the president gets shot, he automatically moves to the front of the organ donor line. I can't believe that's not the case in real life.

Yeah but he thinks music peaked like 50 years ago. Disqualifying.

The couple left with their kid out a different door.

But there are clearly other ways to enter and exit the house, making this lock and door 100 percent useless. Man, this movie was worse than I thought. It's not only boring, but illogical.

That's…not an argument.

It's not happening, dude.

The 25th Amendment requires that half of the drooling toadys at that table turn on the man who hired them.


He already has a platform. He has millions of listeners. But by all means, let's pretend he's not a threat. It worked so well with Trump.

Literally nothing. This movie sucks.