
Alth The reviewer is inexplicably lying. It's just the ordinary woods outside.

But the door was kept locked and only Edgerton had a key that he kept around his neck.

Nothing means dick in this movie.

This was not a horror film and should not be marketed as such. Also, while at times gripping, the third act devolved into sheer nonsense.

Breaking Bad is freeky discussed in many of the actual episode reviews and of course in the comments. It seems pretty silly to say you can't discuss a show that ended years ago.

It's all over the net. He's done lots of interviews. They killed Laurie, felt bad about it, and took it back.

It was a total cheat, and not at all meant to be ambiguous, as Lindelof since acknowledged. The entire episode has no point, now.

"in that whole gang".

Oh, never mind. I got ya.

It's ludicrous. Truly idiotic.


Saul doesn't seem like formal dude.

Given that literally no one calls him "Ignacio", I think this is a case of the internet trying to will something into existence. I can't believe for a second anyone was thinking of that throwaway line from BB when they created this character for BCS. However, Vince and Peter might decide to honor the Internet's wishes

No, that's Krazy 8.

It's highly debatable that "Ignacio" briefly mentioned by Saul is this dude Nacho.

I bought the fall, especially since he apparently really hurt himself. The community service guy, though. Awful, just awful. He's probably been threatened with litigation hundreds of times with that job.

Also, Nacho isn't in Breaking Bad, so he's the only one who could potentially die in that whole gang.

Jimmy getting the other guy out of trash detail by threatening to sue was easily the stupidest thing this show has ever done, by a wide margin.


It was an exciting moment, even though the stakes were quite low, as we barely knew the character. Yeah, not great. This whole season was clearly stalling and wheel spinning. It was a mistake for FX to give them two seasons at once, as they clearly used this whole season as set up for whatever they have planned next.