
Lol. Come on, dude. It's lazy and dumb.

My point is, it's silly. There's no possible way they could or would have giant chains.

And where did they get giant chains?

And yet, here we are.

There is absolutely nothing to indicate that. You're literally just making it up.

You're right.

The guy told me to grab a tiki torch and fuck off, when I hadn't even addressed him at all. It pissed me off.

There are varying opinions on Entourage? I think we as a people all decided collectively that it was shit.


They've said exactly none of that, you massive tool. What a sad little shithead you are.


That's a distinction without meaning. Both shows describe a dystopian world.

What a crazy assumption to make. Seriously, you seem troubled.

Like what? I don't see anything to be outraged about. Do you think this show is going to come out in favor of the Confederacy or slavery? I don't understand. Seriously, what the fuck? This is an excellent time to make art specifically about what we're going through as a nation, this is as timely and on point as

I don't understand how is this different than Handmaid's Tale? Why is this a bad thing, or the wrong time? This seems like the perfect time to explore our country's racism and evil roots. Do people think this show is going to be Pro-slavery and confederacy? I'm confused. These objections make no sense.

Plus, she would have to kill a guard to do so.

And what's step two? Arya is angry at Sansa and then…???? Littlefinger gets…something?

Those aren't mutually exclusive.

I'm starting to think making fun of him is not cool. He clearly has mental health issues.

Jaime, yes. Cersei no.