
That's exactly what I thought it meant. Coke Zero already has no sugar, anyway.

But Coke Zero already has zero sugar.

How the fuck is Coke Zero Sugar not just Coke?

I hope there's a point to spending some of the precious time we have left to curing ol' what's-his-name's dragon herpes.

And the hard cut to the guy's pie at the end…that was for dramatic purposes?

Hmm…pretty sure the whole thing was in service of a gross-out gag right at the end, there.

Everyone notices that's not a denial, right?

This might be the dumbest fucking thing I've read on the internet in a while.

How do you get married to someone of the same gender and not be "out"? Marriage is like, a matter of public record, and whatnot.

Exactly zero of my dozen or so coworkers who watch TWD, GoT, BCS, Westworld, etc have ever been to reddit, AV club, or anywhere else on the Internet like that. They're always very impressed with my abilitiy to predict what's going to happen. :)

I'm fairly confident that the vast majority of viewers don't go scouring reddit threads after every episode of their favorite show, and remain happily surprised by most reveals.

Just like "Europeans, Africans, Hispanics, North Americans" etc. it's not a generalization, it's a simplification, and it's fine.

Of course. If you don't have a close friend of a different race that you can make racial jokes with, you aren't living right.

I think you deliberately misconstrued his argument in order to virtue signal for hypothetical diseased children.

Excellent correction. That changes everything.

It's one of those things that is okay to say in the abstract, that getting remarried a little more than a year after your spouse dies seems like a rebound relationship doomed to failure. It's also not something anyone but Patton's closest friends or family members have any business telling him personally.

He says "take off and go".

Yes, it is. You didn't even get the fake quote right. The fake quote is "good teenagers take off their clothes", but it's fake. He never said it.

We did see Andy's family, repeatedly throughout the three movies.

It's quite possible there isn't, statistically that's a…uh…tall order.