
How did we get here? This was a really great show for four seasons. What the fuck happened?

Some plot. Any plot. Just a little morsel of plot would have been nice.

Boy, they really tripled down on having nothing at all happen this season. The "slow burn" never actually caught fire. What a horrible disappointment. I would be out, except that I have to believe that the people who wrote seasons 1-4 will come back next year to replace these boring doppelgängers and finish the series

I really don't think it's even pretending to be meaningful. It's pulp and it knows it.

Kevin is going to break the machine, leaving Nora to grow old and angry and alone in Australia. Then they possibly make up or something.
It doesn't seem like anything supernatural is going to happen at all; it's already the 14/15th. The storm is gone. The world moves on. It's just about Kevin and Nora, now.

Wow. This would permanently fuck them up. It's unforgivable.

Well then they have to do the right thing and keep working until Henry is 18, then they can go on a trip and "disappear" one day.

I can't believe Phillip and Elizabeth are for one second considering dragging Henry and Paige to Russia. Henry in particular would never forgive them. Is there no retirement option here in the US?

Yeah, I eventually figured that out. Question resolved.

I really have no idea what spurned Laurie to kill herself. It seems like just last week she was pretty well adjusted all things considered, and was trying to get Kevin to come home and come to his senses, not drown himself.

In the teaser, the lady said it had been two years since her baby disappeared, but the events of season one took place one year after the departure. Does this not imply that Laurie left the GR, tried being a therapist again, and then secretly returned to them a year later? I spent this whole episode thinking she was a

But Walter and Georgina were secretly white people. And the cops couldn't reasonably be expected to believe such an outlandish story.

That actually would have been pretty good, and much more in keeping with the theme of most horror movies ending badly for everyone. Although the tape of Stephen Root explaining the plot surely would have been found by the cops, as well as the his body in the middle of brain surgery, so the cops would have to realize

I agree.

It's absolutely insane that he didn't play it. The vote was completely up for grabs.

Well, this is the first great episode of the season, but they're going to seriously have to up their game in the last two to save this ambling, pointless, go nowhere Season of Ennui.

Based on what do you say this? What did he do that was wrong? Asking her to stop?

I actually am fully capable of conversing while eating a meal, as are most humans.

What about him makes him sound like a "real shit"? The part about him not wanting people to text in the theatre?

I think Nicholson is by far the more abravise of the two. But I assumed they were old friends and none of it was serious.