
All this was written and shot before the election.

And now apparently this is a thing he does on a regular basis. That poor husband.

Imdb says 25 minutes. That seems adequate.

No, I just got into it a bit with an idiot who now claims to have been trolling. Who knows, maybe they were trolling? But yeah, asking someone to use spoiler tags on an old show is exceptionally stupid.

Tweets shouldn't need stage directions.

Huh? What a truly weird non sequitur.

And now you're comparing discussing an old TV show defecating in public. Amazing.
And "which is it?" is a nonsensical question that shows you don't even comprehend what I said, as you seem to think I said something contradictory. I didn't. Nor did I ever claim to be hard edged or rebellious. Its you who lacks

That your premise was flawed, and that there's no reason to avoid "spoiling" an old show so fully connected to this one, and that an actual adult in control of themselves would realize this and not expect the internet at large to conform to his/her viewing habits. It's funny that you immediately afterwards told me

Word would get back to Paige through the church if they ever died.

Discussion of an old series connected to this one is not a spoiler.

Nothing has happened for this entire season so far. Yes, our affection for the characters still makes it tolerable, but my God. The penultimate season is almost over and nothing of consequence has happened at all, other than some mildly interesting character beats. Ugh.

I didn't make a spoiler outburst. The very idea that BB shouldn't be discussed here is asinine. You attempting to tell people not to discuss it is what's childish.

Yeah, I've already answered that. I can do it again, though. Your fake concern for imaginary people who might be upset about "spoiling" an old show that is necessary to discuss when talking about this show—is the definition of concern trolling. Insincerity and deception for attention and control of the narrative.

. Anyone who watches BCS and goes into discussion areas on the Internet fully realizes BB will be discussed as well, unless they are a total fool. Given the amount of characters that populate both shows, and the number of Easter eggs BSC reveals weekly, and the number of times the AV club reviewer herself mentions

Gotta love people who think talking about the events of an old show that are constantly referenced on a new show set in the same universe is "spoiling" or being a dick. It's not. The dicks are the ones irrationally trying to shut down conversation that is absolutely necessary.

It's utterly asinine to say we can't discuss Breaking Bad in the comments of the prequel show that is filled to the brim with callbacks and foreshadowing and characters from the original show. Spoiler police are the biggest trolls of all, particularly when they're looking out for hypothetical people who might be

Walt dies. Jesse escapes. Skyler gets 10 million.

This hypothetical person would also have to completely avoid the internet for any BCS discussions, as they inevitably lead back to Breaking Bad talk.

We don't know that Jimmy wiped out his parents financially. That's an assumption Chuck has made without any evidence.

I don't think we need to spoiler-tag a show that ended four years ago.