
Yeah, he's one of the few actors who actually looks like he could be a younger version of himself. Like, Huell got fatter later.

Chuck's undoing at the trial was was like Cersei getting the "shame" treatment. I always want to see the villains pay, and then feel bad for them when they do.

Um…he's a criminal who has access to illegal drugs and also knows a pickpocket. Why, he's practically a wizard!

Damn, this was fucking good. Like, "hold my breath while leaning forward the whole last ten minutes" good. You know, like every third episode of Breaking Bad.

Punishing Kim because Jimmy flamed out at the other firm, faking his illness to get Jimmy to feel sorry for him and manipulate him into confessing, lying to Jimmy about his own personal objections to Jimmy becoming a lawyer and forcing Howard to play the bad guy, and stealing the client Kim retained simply out of

Also, Kevin wouldn't have known his father was missing or that the other Kevin was dead.

Your response to my questioning Chuck's morality was to say he's a great lawyer.

No, he's a piece of shit.

For Huckabee's birthday, I'm going to beat up a homosexual and then whip myself for impure thoughts while weeping into my bible.

So you're just fucking around?

If you're saying, "that guy is one of the best cocksuckers at the bar", then by all means.

If you intend it as an insult, yes.

That dude who thinks sexually harassing a dozen female underlings at your job is on par with making a crude blowjob joke seems like a real peach.

Well, hopefully you'll never find out for sure.

Thats a pretty big leap based on no evidence. And it kind of beggars belief that the Russians have control of an entire high school in America. And that the Jennings don't know about it.

Really lame that they're writing Henry out rather than deal with him finding out the truth. I feel like this whole season has been wheel-spinning, with virtually no forward momentum on the plot at all. Everyone's is just in a state of perpetual ennui, having one dreary conversation after the next. I've no doubt

I completely disagree about Chuck having any moral high ground whatsoever. He's a snake, far worse than Jimmy ever is.

People are going to use it, irregardless of whether or not it's an actual word.

Not sure if serious.

Like how you're "probably" an argumentative ass?