
The duplicate tape is also his personal property and it was destroyed. He didn't perjure himself.

This is a written script. No one in this BB universe has ever used "gay" as a slur except for Hector, on Gus and his partner—twice. That probably means something. And comments shouldn't have stage directions, btw

It's large and obvious detail, that has an easy fix. Nothing you can do about the adult actors looking older, but you can certainly cast a toddler as Kayley without any trouble at all.

Mike worked for Saul Goodman, too. He was the one Saul called to clean up the whole Jane situation.

It's kinda the whole reason why Gus hates Hector so much, yeah.

I think we should go ahead and let someone say for the record exactly how their child being murdered made them feel.

Hector again using a homophobic slur against Gus and his deceased partner has me convinced that Gus is definitely gay.

Also, revealing this whole thing in public court ("my brother snuck into my house and transposed numbers on an address for a huge client while I was taking a space nap and then later I secretly recorded him admitting it and he broke my door down the get the tape") makes Chuck look just as shady as Jimmy and really

But Bond wasn't.

John's not content at all. He's still laboring under the delusion that Evie is secretly still alive. But dammit, they're already out of episodes. Matt, Laurie, John and Erica all need their own episodes, and it's clearly not going to happen.

I assume she's developed a cult following and is no longer alone like she was 7 years ago.

This reviewer is bound and determined to be wrong about at least one thing in every review.

Surely you underestimate him.

Can't we just completely jettison the whole last stupid season, including the finale, which states almost everything we saw in the series was a fabrication by Roseanne Connor?

Care to elaborate, or just be a dick? I'm curious to know why you multiplied .02 by .02. I mean, I understand one of those is the 2% departed. I don't know where the other one comes from.

Where do you get those numbers?

Yes, very unlikely. Even more unlikely than Nora losing her whole family, which as they said was only a 1 in 128,000 chance. There are at most 9 or 10,000 planes in the air at any given time, which means at most about 20 thousands pilots and co-pilots in the air at the time of the departure. The chances of even one

Unlikely that there were any planes where both pilot and copilot vanished.

Really? Are you prepared to say there's no chance this machine is legit?

The responses, of course.